FaaS Wars global serverless challenge - Learn serverless compute and win upto USD 1400
💫 FaaS Wars is a 3months global robot coding competition organized by members of Apache Openwhisk & HackerEarth. Create a fighter by writing some code, deploy it as a serverless API using Nimbella. Build your first #JediBot & win upto $1400 💰 in cash prizes.
Women in Technology | A report by HackerEarth - Decoding the state of women in tech
What does it mean for an organization to be gender-inclusive? What percentage of women are in leading tech roles, and what percentage still feel they are underrepresented in tech and why?
We wanted answers — so we surveyed developers across 5 continents and 35 countries.
Developer hiring trends 2019 | India - Information is key when hiring developers
The 2019 Developer Hiring Trend covers everything you need to know about hiring developers in India, such as
✓ Median Developer Salary for Top Indian Cities
✓ Top Programming Skills According to Job Openings
✓ Top Colleges in India that Most Employers Favor
Organising a Hackathon - A step by step guide to organise a hackathon
Hackathons are clearly helping companies go from idea to action. To know what hackathons are, how these problem-solving exercises are being used to create an impact, and why people are turning to external partners and platforms to navigate the mercurial landscape of innovation, check this ebook for more.