Rajnish Kumar

Developer hiring trends 2019 | India - Information is key when hiring developers

The 2019 Developer Hiring Trend covers everything you need to know about hiring developers in India, such as
✓ Median Developer Salary for Top Indian Cities
✓ Top Programming Skills According to Job Openings
✓ Top Colleges in India that Most Employers Favor

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Rajnish Kumar
Information is key when hiring developers — whether you are the recruiter or the developer. According to studies, hiring good talent is one of the biggest challenges companies face. Also, according to Manpower Group, software developers have been on the top of the list for the hardest to find. The main problem is that traditional recruiting channels for developers are overcrowded in India. This means that if you are a recruiter and want to get your hands on good developers, you need to look in places where others aren’t looking.