Your golden advice for new solopreneurs?

Stepping into solopreneurship can be overwhelming. What's the one piece of advice you wish you knew before starting? Share your golden nugget of wisdom!


Elizabeth Tishchenko
Build fast, fail fast. Iterate until a success. Also, building something that people want is important, but it's super difficult to build a product that solves a pain point you don't fully understand.
Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
@nevemind_com Those are such great points, Elizabeth! Thanks for sharing.
Rob Slate
For service businesses: Payment up front. For general business: The only ship that doesn't float is a Partnership. I've seen & personally had too many bad experiences and monetary losses with partnerships. Nobody cares about your business more than you do!
Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
@robslate All great points. Totally hear you on the partnership one! The right/wrong partner can make or break you.
@robslate Hi Rob Great to connect with you! I'm Tao, cofounder and CEO behind MindOS. We're launching MindOS Memory Twin this Sunday! πŸš€ I would greatly appreciate it if you could stay notified and support us on the launch day: Thank you so much! Best regards, Tao
Rickon Turner
Before the how, define your purpose and passion. It's your guiding light when things get tough.
Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
@rickon_turner Absolutely, Rickon! Being purposeful is definitely a big driver for me and what helps get me through those tough moments.
@rickon_turner Totally agree Rickon. The North Star to follow
Steward Edison
Embrace the hustle!
Millie Miller
@steward_edison True that. Solopreneurship is a journey, not a destination. Be prepared to work hard, learn fast, and adapt constantly.
Laurence Joyner
Build a network of mentors, supporters, and fellow solopreneurs. You're not alone in this, and sharing the journey makes it richer.
Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
@laurence_joyner Great point, Laurence! Network and relationship building is an important long-term part of the game!
@laurence_joyner 100% mentors who have walked the walk
Madison Gallaghers
Continuously learn new skills, attend workshops, and network. Your growth is your business's growth.
@madison_gallaghers I love the networking aspect you mentioned Madison!
Charlie Beveridge
There is *always* another way. Another potential customer. Another (simpler/more feasible) feature. Another partner. Another investor. If you ever feel like you only have one shot, check that mindset and ask 'what's another way?' 😊
Get mentorship from people who have walked the walk not people who think they know. There are several sources for affordable mentorship. I know because I use them. A lot. Have to help where needs Bren
Bren Kinfa πŸ’Ž SaaS Gems
@slimmy82 Great point, Slim. Mentorship can be the way to help get yourself out of a plateau, IMO.
For tech founders: don't just focus on building. Think about distribution/marketing as early as possible. Don't get crickets on your launch day!
Debajit Sarkar
Trying to solve the existing problems of GPT-4 is not a good strategy for your startup. GPT-5 will likely overcome most of these challenges. Your startups should focus on improving their context-awareness rather than their behavior. Using techniques like RAG to access external knowledge can help them more than adjusting their parameters.
Every challenge is a chance to grow πŸ’ͺ
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Markk Tong
One golden piece of advice for new solopreneurs would be to prioritize self-care and balance right from the start. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and grind, but taking care of your physical and mental well-being is crucial for long-term success.
Congratulations on taking the leap into entrepreneurship. One piece of advice I wish I knew before starting is to prioritize self-care and set boundaries. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle, but taking care of yourself is crucial for long-term success. Make time for rest, relaxation, and activities you enjoy outside of work.
Cameron Scully
interested in peoples answers here for content based businesses?