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  • Your Excuse Is Invalid!

    4 replies
    Everyone has excuses, someone once told me they are just like *ssholes, we all have them. Excuses come about when we try to rationalize our failures, the question I ask is, "When is an excuse valid?" I have seen both extremes, but recently I see a lot of excuses among young people under age 25, of why they can't make it, or can't accomplish what they want in life. I realize life can be very challenging, but I hope that this is just a left over symptom of Covid, and our current economic situations. In my opinion failure is normal and so is adversity. What makes you strong is overcoming your adversity, everyone needs to take a hit here and there in order to be successful, but it doesn't matter how hard you get hit, what matters is if you decide to get back up and try again. I can say that on PH, this does not seem to be a problem at all and its why I like hanging out here. Overall, each of you inspire me to be better at what I do and a better version of me, keep it up, all of you, and thanks for always being kind and honest. Here is my favorite Excuse poster: https://www.ebaumsworld.com/images/corporal-todd-love/85235686/ Cpl. Todd Love lost both his legs and part of arm fighting in Afghanistan as a US Soldier, the image is one of him completing a 10 mile Spartan Race which most participants find hard to complete, Cpl. Love did it on his hands. What's your Excuse?


    Absolutely love your perspective on excuses, they're like *ssholes, we all got 'em! Life can throw challenges, especially for the under-25 crew, but overcoming adversity is the real strength. Failure is part of the journey, right?
    @istiakahmad Yes, exactly, all about the Journey!
    Simona O'Neill
    You my friend always bring such a valid, genuine and wise perspective to this community. I am really worried about the younger generations right now. I’m not going to generalise and say that everyone is the same because there are definitely some exceptions. But overall, I can certainly see less grit, determination and resilience. They want an easy way to do everything and give up before even trying. There are many reasons for that. A. These young people were too sheltered as kids. B. They are looking up to influencers who appear to have it all with very little work. C. They have too many options. D. Lack of social skills. And I could go on. My eldest son is nearly 20 so I’m speaking from my own experience. He has a totally different perspective to life than me and my husband. Even though we raised him with all the right values, he just doesn’t have the same drive. Covid may have contributed to it ,but it’s also the personality and the societal influence.
    @simona_o_neill3 100% agree, and I don't mean to call a certain age group out, there are plenty of those in the 40s and 50s that need a boot in their *ss to start moving lol. But like you mentioned, the influencer part is a major problem. Influencers provide a major portion of product information, however there are those that seem to glorify their life and 90% of the time, its all smoke and mirrors. Most influencers do not drive a Ferrari or not even a new Hyundai, they usually just have great ability to AI image edit, photoshop, and green screen their way to fame. If they spent a quarter of the time learning a real AI skill or coding language, they would have a great talent to carry with them. The world is changing very fast, and it's not gonna stop anytime soon. Hopefully the tech will rescue us from ourselves, because my faith in humanity is slowly fading lol.