Would you hire someone with no prior work experience?

Sherzod Khoshimov
13 replies
Hi! I am building a product that helps companies to hire entry-level applicants. What was your biggest pain point when you were hiring someone for an entry-level position? If you don't like the idea of hiring someone without prior work experience, what is the biggest reason behind it?


Jerryton Surya
Yes, If they have the potential to learn quickly
Sherzod Khoshimov
@jerryton_surya @shawn_park_f12 How would you measure candidate's "potential"?
Shawn Park
@jerryton_surya Agreed! I think potential matters the most!
Sherzod Khoshimov
@shawn_park_f12 @jerryton_surya Wow, I never thought about asking candidates about their failures. That could be a great way to find out how they learn from their failures
Jerryton Surya
@shawn_park_f12 @sherzod_khoshimov By knowing their past achievements and failures
Jason Andries
I would, depending on their motivation and willingness to learn. I'd rather hire someone that's motivated and willing to learn on the job than someone who has prior experience but doesn't seem motivated or thinks (s)he knows it all
Sherzod Khoshimov
@jason_andries1 How can you tell if someone is (and will stay) motivated?
Jason Andries
@sherzod_khoshimov I think you can tell a lot from the way someone talks about something and the interaction you have with them. When it comes to staying motivated, I guess only time will 😅 However, I think people can stay motivated when the company culture is a right fit with them, they're valued, and keep being challenged to name a few
Sridevi M
Only if the candidate is quick learner and potential
Sherzod Khoshimov
@sridevi_m is there a way you can tell if a candidate has a potential from their CV or interview questions?
Sridevi M
@sherzod_khoshimov From CV I don't think so. My expectation would be on how he/she approaches/interacts when a problem is given to them.