Would you do anything differently?

Vladislav Pavlenko
11 replies
There have been hundreds of first-time launches this month. Knowing what you know now, would you do anything different, given the opportunity?


Irina Ivashchinenko
So far, I've only been following the launches, but I can say that the competition has grown a lot over the last.
@iren_ivashchinenko I would agree there is a lot of competition now a days, especially in the AI category
Anthony Martinez
Reflecting on my journey so far, I would place a stronger emphasis on balancing work with personal life, ensuring that while I am ambitious and driven, I also nurture my relationships and personal well-being, as I've learned that a well-rounded life fosters greater creativity and sustained motivation.
Oleg Eltsov
I wish I had started building my account earlier.
@oleg_eltsov yes, it's important to see the playing field before even setting up a coming soon page
Artur Romanov
I would organise my time differently to leave more time for testing and refinement of the product. The first impression is the most important, so you must ensure it is as pleasant as possible.
@arthur_romanov First impressions are everything and it's hard to recover from a bad one
Ling Tien
I wish I do things at my own without patnership
@sania_mary solo maker is definitely a way to go.
James Sukosd
The biggest thing I would do differently which sounds weird is journal. Write down what you do and reflect. Maybe something you navigated through 5 years ago could help you out today.