Why do people use AI auto comments on social ?

21 replies
Why ? The AI comments all look the same, are mostly irrelevant and hurt the sender’s reputation. If you want to grow audience, comment with value


Business Marketing with Nika
This applies to me :D and not only the sender's reputation. It also looks very bad for receiver because also his/her account can look a little bit shady :D
Business Marketing with Nika
@toni_pm rather create some tool that would label probability of AI comments :D
@busmark_w_nika 😄 i don't understand the benefits of these AI comments. I am all for using AI to save time and be more productive. But AI is not good enough yet to handle comments properly most of the time. So why bother and risk a reputation ? 😄
Business Marketing with Nika
@toni_pm Toni – look at the comment under this one. Doesn't seem to be familiar? 😀🤣 I find it funny :D literally, I laugh aloud at it.
@busmark_w_nika when i first saw it i really thought YOU had posted it through Ai on purpose 😄 I am THIS CLOSE to launch my own AI comment App to generate only Cringe comments !
Michael Shver
Feels like at least on Product Hunt it's a way for people to attract attention and get more Kitty Points, although I think in the end it just makes everyone see them as another bot and not a real part of the community 🤷‍♂️
@michaelshver I feel it's the same on linkedin and twitter. People trying to get kitty points (even though there are none on Linkedin and X 😅) AI crappy comments from useless people, i don't care, but even "serious" people use them now. (and pay $$ for those)
I'm guessing they've scripted some automation that can blast a much content as possible effortlessly and hope that they will catch some followers.
@jgani many people use dedicated apps and pay $$ for it. I don't understand why "serious" people would use that on Linkedin/X etc . Feels like they are duped by the promise of "lots of engagement = more followers"
@toni_pm Ah sorry you were referring to social in general. I thought you were talking about PH. I think AI on general social can work, if (probably big if) it can replicate the author's tone or voice. Currently AI is just too wordy and formal.
@jgani you are right. It applies to PH too, and in every case as you say, AI comments are too wordy, and irrelevant
Roman Коltsov
There's also a lot of AI-generated content starting to pop up, including pics and video. All 100% automated. LinkedIn and Instagram are great examples. Guess this is the new reality, and with the rapid speed of technology's development, I'd say soon 99% of us won't be able to spot the AI behind it. 🙃
@koltsov I have no problem with Ai generated content, as long as it s valuable, be it an image or text. Problem is, Ai is not good at comments at the moment. Like not at all. So I wonder why people are using it and thus damage their personal brand
Moaz Ahmad
Launching soon!
It's probably because people are relying too much on AI that they don't want to take a minute out of their lives to put their actual feelings and observations in a comment. They would rather just want to do it in 10 sec.
Yurii Holovanov
Because half of the internet consists of bots nowadays. And with 'talking' neural networks, it becomes harder and harder to spot them. Research: Dead Internet Theory if you want to learn more about it. Yet remember, it's a theory, not an axiom.
@yurii_holovanov AI bots are indeed a growing element to consider. But the thing i'm pointing out is : AI automated comments are SUPER EASY to spot because they are lazy, cringe and all the same. 😅
Yurii Holovanov
@toni_pm It's easy when there is little to no effort invested in those bots. I can guarantee that if enough time is invested (for training) and the correct API is used, you'll have a very hard time spotting one. Train it enough on some particular community and you'll never see a difference, except all the answers from it would be very vague or broad terms will be used all the time. But that's quite an unreliable thing to mark a user as a bot. So why is there a low number of them, you ask?) Because it's not time- and cost-effective yet to make them so sophisticated. Basic upvoting, likes, and star reviews are enough for black-hat marketers these days.
@toni_pm @yurii_holovanov Are there any products on the market that offer these fine tuned responding bots?
Agreed Toni, doubt you get any significant conversions. Very curious to see how cold outbound world changes as AI matures to the point of being able to completely replicate regular human responses.. a bit scary honestly!
lyly gema
AI can manage large volumes of comments https://nightmarekart.com/ and messages, which is beneficial for accounts with significant followings.