Why do my discussions get lost?

6 replies
I start a discussion here, but then I can't find it anywhere in the list, only in my profile under "Activity". Why is that? (how else should I start getting to know you?:))


Nico Spijker
Posts in the Product Hunt community goes through manual filtering, once someone looks over it all posts are released in bulk. That's the reason why your posts don't automatically appear. Sometimes it can be published within 30 minutes, other times it can take up to 9 hours and then your post is all the way down and gets fewer views.
Nico Spijker
@anton_megaport Sometimes they don't feature posts. They manually select them and sometimes posts are filtered. Not much you can do besides trying to post again in a few days.
@nicolaas_spijker Nico, thank you, now I see. Finally I made a discussion, where there is one answer šŸ„³
Esther Deng
@anton_megaport @nicolaas_spijker Thanks guys! But I have another question, my discussion still doesn't appear in the list for many days, is there some other reason?
Nico Spijker
@iilfat Congrats, only up from here ;)
Anton MegaPort
@nicolaas_spijker This is strange, 24 hours have already passed, but this discussion of mine has not been published https://www.producthunt.com/disc... What do you think I did wrong there?