Which service do you use for testing your service? πŸ“™

Peter Orban
5 replies
I'm curious what services are out there for testing your product or/service? I mean not UI testing but testing the service from the customer's perspective.


Nico Spijker
We have used "Userbrain" in the past to get feedback on UX and user flows. Very useful and easy to set up!
Chi-Kai Chien
Literal for Figma
Used usertesting.com many years ago. Their testers were "semi-pro". That is, they seemed to do it as a side hustle, and as such, their opinions didn't seem necessarily representative of our target demographic.
Richard Gao
I usually DM people on reddit that might look interested. If I am targeting a very narrow market, then I might use betatesting.com It's paid but it's good value.
Jon Zhang
Do you mean , use some software like sentry.io / New Relic./ Firebase to get some basicly technically feedback from you real customer ?