Which IRL activities keep you sane (AKA) those where presence online is not needed?

Lately, I was online more than is healthy. For me, it has always been sport & photography. Do you have your first aid kit? πŸ’‰


Ellis Pinsky
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Ellis Pinsky
@busmark_w_nika nope! fully committed to BJJ : )
Business Marketing with Nika
@ellisbuilds1 do you practice (or were considering also other types of martial arts)? :)
Marvin MΓ€ndle
Skydiving is my favorite activity, because you are to 100 % present in this moment. I also like to spend time in the nature especially hiking and mountain biking.
Business Marketing with Nika
@marvin_maendle aren't you freaking out of heights? πŸ˜… I am but do things related to risking at heights as well sooo... irrational but some people need this adrenalin pill. πŸ˜ƒ
Domas Sakavickas
@marvin_maendle ohh man, skydiving has been my desire for a long time but I'm still too scared to try πŸ˜„ When was your first jump? Has someone invited you or it was your own thing?
Max Avery
@marvin_maendle @sakozzy honestly after your first jump you'll feel a lot better about it I think - the speed you exit the plane you don't get the stomach jolt like you would on a rollercoaster
Marvin MΓ€ndle
@sakozzy Go for it! It started with a birthday present and ended up with 62 jumps in two years :D
Edmond Bitay
Every morning, after I wake up, I meditate, and study what Sam Harris has to say about mindfulness. Then I do mobility excercises in an attempt to undo the damage cause d by sitting for 20 years. It's simple , cheap and grounds you.
Business Marketing with Nika
@edmondbitay thanks for reminding me that I haven't moved today. Gonna fix it. πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
Mansi Trivedi
Reading a good book and cooking good food.
Business Marketing with Nika
@mansi_trivedi1 What was the last good book you read? (and not that one for studying purposes) :D
Paula Schiffelbein
Building furniture and walking by the river.
Business Marketing with Nika
@paula_schiffelbein Ah, so you are something like DIY guy, yeah? :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@paula_schiffelbein if you want, you can "do-it-yourself" my life too. Sometimes I have no control over it. :D so need a help :D
Shaurya Mathur
Wind down is as important as being wound up! 😝
Peter Hansen
Play trumpet.
Business Marketing with Nika
@trumpeter Nice! I admire people who are able to play any instrument. I am not skilled in this. haha.
Gurkaran Singh
Hey there! It's great to hear that you find solace in sports and photography offline! Taking a break from the online world is essential for a healthy balance. As for my offline sanity, I find solace in nature walks and DIY woodworking projects. Sometimes the best moments happen when we unplug and just enjoy the present. Stay well! πŸ”‹
Business Marketing with Nika
@thestarkster thank you Gurkaran for your engagement! :)