Which channels are the best to create content on when you are B2B?

Yavuz Tunc Emran
5 replies


John Koo
how about starting on Twitter then expand ?
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@imjohnkoo i am currently trying that. According to the recent statistics around 80% of people who use Twitter go there for the purpose of being informed. To my experience, if you are dealing with B2B buyers on Twitter they are: often not there and often do not engage. On a different perspective the leads generated on Twitter might not be the decision maker in the process. Therefore I feel like LinkedIn might be more effective. The problem with LinkedIn is that the algorithm sucks…
Depends on the specific product and niche. I’d say focus on channels where the business customers are active and engaged
Thomas Boulesteix
LinkedIn can be a very powerful tool, especially when you are B2B.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@thomas_boulesteix i totally agree with you. How often do you use LinkedIn for your marketing?