When should a startup start charging its customers?

Favour Felix
7 replies
I'm presently building a product and I'm trying to make sure that launching as a free product doesn't attract the wrong customers or launching as a paid one doesn't sell our product short. When do you advise a SaaS product should charge its customers?


Sven Radavics
As soon as you start delivering value to customers.
Favour Felix
@sven_radavics This is very apt, I'd take this into consideration as we build. Thank you!
Aphelia T.
Have you thought of a fremium model? It's good to get some money in and also see whether your customers are ready to actually pay for the service.
Favour Felix
@technufllc Yeah, that's actually the approach we are taking at the moment. didn't mention it in my question. But, ultimately wanted to be sure we were on the right track.
Krishna Kumar
Instead of completely free for all, have you considered doing a by invite only preview? Any body can register for the preview, but you get to select those that best fit your target customer base?
Favour Felix
@kkumarkg Hmmm. Haven't thought of this. Although, I'm not exactly sure how this would play out. Thank you for your input!
Favour Felix
29 days later, I found this useful, Just in case someone stumbles upon this. Replies have also been really helpful. Thanks all! https://blog.close.com/charge-yo...