Whats your favorite part of ProductHunt?

hafsa aslam
9 replies
Personally, I love exploring the discussion panels and learning from the insights shared by CEOs and Marketers working in the tech field. I also find the launches and review sections to be incredibly helpful for discovering new products and getting a sense of what the community thinks about them. But I'm curious to hear what others enjoy most about the platform. Do you have a favorite feature or section on ProductHunt?


Hashir Ahmed
@asfah πŸ™Œ. Its a great platform and people are here amazing so far. But as Sunny Ali often says, there are exceptions everywhere.
hafsa aslam
@carter_barnett I love how supportive people are on this platform. It’s refreshing to see respectful constructive criticism on products too!
I generally just like seeing the new products each day πŸ˜€
Ghazal Dewar
Lots of cool discussion topics and people have been pretty friendly and interactive.
James Tedy
I enjoy looking at new and interesting product in Product Hunt and the discussions are helpful too!
Hashir Ahmed
My favorite part of ProductHunt is the way it brings together a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship.
Uma Venugopal
Discussions for sure!