Whats your favorite part of ProductHunt?

hafsa aslam
9 replies
Personally, I love exploring the discussion panels and learning from the insights shared by CEOs and Marketers working in the tech field. I also find the launches and review sections to be incredibly helpful for discovering new products and getting a sense of what the community thinks about them. But I'm curious to hear what others enjoy most about the platform. Do you have a favorite feature or section on ProductHunt?


I generally just like seeing the new products each day πŸ˜€
hafsa aslam
@carter_barnett I love how supportive people are on this platform. It’s refreshing to see respectful constructive criticism on products too!
Hashir Ahmed
@asfah πŸ™Œ. Its a great platform and people are here amazing so far. But as Sunny Ali often says, there are exceptions everywhere.
Ghazal Dewar
Lots of cool discussion topics and people have been pretty friendly and interactive.
James Tedy
I enjoy looking at new and interesting product in Product Hunt and the discussions are helpful too!
Hashir Ahmed
My favorite part of ProductHunt is the way it brings together a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship.
Uma Venugopal
Discussions for sure!