What school did you graduate from, and what do you ultimately do?

I studied accountancy & economy (secondary school) and marketing studies at university... Ended up doing marketing (thankfully) and building products. 😃 What about you?


Always wanted to be a nutritionist. Studied economics, and have been marketing for tech startups that I love!
Business Marketing with Nika
@bahar_ozkan Actually, it was my university project to receive diploma :-D https://www.nikafit.sk/
Business Marketing with Nika
@bahar_ozkan Wow, that is amazing. I mean... I have always been interested in food, health and sport. We have found a common interest! 🍎😃
@busmark_w_nika Have you ever thought of taking these interest to the next level in terms of further education, and creating channels to monetize it?
Noah Wittman
University of North Texas, MBA
Noah Wittman
@busmark_w_nika my degree is Master of Business Administration with a focus in Marketing. But I've never had a marketing job in my life!
Bertalan Kozma
I’m currently attending high school in Budapest, Hungary and I make softwares in my free time😊
Business Marketing with Nika
@berc is the school also about programming?
Bertalan Kozma
@busmark_w_nika no, its a regular high school, I’m learning programming by myself
I studied business management and have master degree in Project management and innovation management, from day 1 in my career I'm in IT managing and building digital products 🤗
@busmark_w_nika thanks for asking, appreciate your interest. One of the latest products is our design framework that we launched on Product Hunt as well https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Business Marketing with Nika
@oxana_ivanova What updates are you working on right now?
@busmark_w_nika working on Chrome extension. And what about you Nika?
Business Marketing with Nika
@oxana_ivanova Currently growing a community on YT. Want to interview founders, and business owners in the future. Premium content will be in the premium herohero community where are first members (I am surprised because I haven't started there yet but it is about strong community) . https://herohero.co/businessmark...
Erick Philbert
I studied accounting too but now I'm a self taught UX designer and a Microcopy writer... 🤔
Business Marketing with Nika
@erick_philbert Which websites (sources) have you used to learn UX design?
Erick Philbert
@busmark_w_nika, I didn't learn through websites... i read a bunch of books, youtube tutorials, google UX course, Podcast from top guys, and writing what i learn, think and feel everyday...
Mansi Trivedi
I was a science student in my school. Currently doing a Bachelors degree in Business Administration. Going for a MBA in Marketing. And also, planning on doing the same for a living! :D
Business Marketing with Nika
@mansi_trivedi1 What science? :-D Like chemistry or what?
Mansi Trivedi
@busmark_w_nika It was maths, physics and chemistry with computer science.