What's your go to productivity hack?

Yavuz Tunc Emran
102 replies


Sam D.
Launching soon!
morning fasting, coffee but never after noon and no calls during the morning!
Andrei Dragoș Pătraşcu
Coffee between 11PM-4AM, best timeframe to 10x my productivity.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@patrasq never heard of it, I might give it a try...
Artyom Sviridov
Have enough rest. Zero energy = zero productivity.
Žiga Kerec
Daily to-do list. Sometimes you just fly through it.
Ioana Sima
@ziga_kerec Same! Sometimes I add things to my daily to-do list that I already completed just for the dopamine hit.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@ziga_kerec agreed! it really helps, makes me feel incredibly accomplished :)
Apollon Latsoudis
Break for meditation. Really helps me focus. And monitored breathing for removing stress and pressure
Relja Denic
Don't eat anything until 12 PM :D
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@relja_denic haha, That's definitely an interesting productivity hack Relja! I'll keep that in mind :D
Michael Stan
@relja_denic @tunc_emran I would say don't eat anything until 6 pm or have a break between meals over 16hours, as after that time you body is start releasing certain enzymes that let your brain focus.
Prioritize tasks, use the Pomodoro Technique (25-min work, 5-min break), and limit multitasking. Stay organized, set clear goals, and avoid distractions for peak productivity YouTube Vanced.
Anna Carmichael
@advika589 the Pomodoro Technique is my #1 productivity hack! That and music that doesn't have lyrics.
Evgeny Kotelevskiy
@advika589 pomodoro is a great thing for this!
Notion with Motivation 😅
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@jeeiee That's a great combination! 😅
Evgeny Kotelevskiy
I have quite a few: 1. No phone before breakfast 2. No social media before launch time 3. Pomodoro timer: 25 mins deep work, 5 mins pause 4. Headphones with ambient music 5. Time tracker for all tasks (I use the free version of Clockify) 6. Daily to-do list that is created from the evening of the previous day, I don't add any new tasks to my to-do list that I receive after 12pm, I add them to the next day These are the 6 most important I guess
Having enough and quality sleep is #1 Productivity Hack for me. But besides that, here is my list of things I do on a daily basis: 1. I make sure I write down every single task I have down into my productivity app (shameless plugin Insumo, check out my profile). 2. I make sure I pick 3 task to get done every morning. 3. I timebox those tasks on my schedule. 4. Always make sure to do 2 exercises per week and plan them at the beginning of the week. I play tennis so accountability partner helps me accomplish that one. 5. If I feel unmotivated to get started on doing thins, I stop working and do either a meditation or listen to a podcast to ground myself. 6. Extremely bad with time so I make sure I leave buffer times for everything I do, and I schedule them on my calendar too. 7. I always use reminders, and alarms for the things I do, so using a apple watch helped me remember things even I leave my phone on my desk.
Yulia Olennikova
The 𝗥𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘀 - 𝗣𝗲𝗯𝗯𝗹𝗲𝘀 - 𝗦𝗮𝗻𝗱 method I work in marketing so this is how I categorize my tasks into three types: Rocks to me are tasks that directly influence our bottom line metrics (=revenue). Pebbles are tasks that influence the leading indicators (awareness, inbound bookings, conversion rates). Sand are small incoming requests or regular tasks that require my short ok to give them a go No matter what, I commit to 2 rocks and around 5 pebbles in a week.
Soner Alemdar
Traditional notebook note taking 😅
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@soner_ traditional methods never go out of date :D
1. Task list by priority. 2. Pomodoro but not by time, by task. 3. White noise music
Darya Antonyuk
strict deadlines))) sometimes I just can't make myself do stuff unless I know there are some boundaries I shouldn't cross, works miracles
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@darya_antonyuk That's a great point! strict deadlines can indeed provide a sense of urgency and help maintain focus.
Arsen Batyuchok 🇺🇦
Power nap! I wish I was able to practice it more frequently 😅
Andrey Bozhjev
1. Planning 2. Prioritization 3. Sincerely rejoice in completed cases 4. Be less distracted by social media 5. Wake up and get up before 9 am
Sara jalildokhti
my online to do list and also ginger shot at the middle of the day !