What's your go to productivity hack?

Yavuz Tunc Emran
102 replies


Andrei Dragoș Pătraşcu
Coffee between 11PM-4AM, best timeframe to 10x my productivity.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@patrasq never heard of it, I might give it a try...
Artyom Sviridov
Have enough rest. Zero energy = zero productivity.
Žiga Kerec
Daily to-do list. Sometimes you just fly through it.
Ioana Sima
@ziga_kerec Same! Sometimes I add things to my daily to-do list that I already completed just for the dopamine hit.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@ziga_kerec agreed! it really helps, makes me feel incredibly accomplished :)
Apollon Latsoudis
Break for meditation. Really helps me focus. And monitored breathing for removing stress and pressure
Relja Denic
Don't eat anything until 12 PM :D
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@relja_denic haha, That's definitely an interesting productivity hack Relja! I'll keep that in mind :D
Michael Stan
@relja_denic @tunc_emran I would say don't eat anything until 6 pm or have a break between meals over 16hours, as after that time you body is start releasing certain enzymes that let your brain focus.
Prioritize tasks, use the Pomodoro Technique (25-min work, 5-min break), and limit multitasking. Stay organized, set clear goals, and avoid distractions for peak productivity YouTube Vanced.
Anna Carmichael
@advika589 the Pomodoro Technique is my #1 productivity hack! That and music that doesn't have lyrics.
Evgeny Kotelevskiy
@advika589 pomodoro is a great thing for this!
Notion with Motivation 😅
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@jeeiee That's a great combination! 😅
Evgeny Kotelevskiy
I have quite a few: 1. No phone before breakfast 2. No social media before launch time 3. Pomodoro timer: 25 mins deep work, 5 mins pause 4. Headphones with ambient music 5. Time tracker for all tasks (I use the free version of Clockify) 6. Daily to-do list that is created from the evening of the previous day, I don't add any new tasks to my to-do list that I receive after 12pm, I add them to the next day These are the 6 most important I guess
Having enough and quality sleep is #1 Productivity Hack for me. But besides that, here is my list of things I do on a daily basis: 1. I make sure I write down every single task I have down into my productivity app (shameless plugin Insumo, check out my profile). 2. I make sure I pick 3 task to get done every morning. 3. I timebox those tasks on my schedule. 4. Always make sure to do 2 exercises per week and plan them at the beginning of the week. I play tennis so accountability partner helps me accomplish that one. 5. If I feel unmotivated to get started on doing thins, I stop working and do either a meditation or listen to a podcast to ground myself. 6. Extremely bad with time so I make sure I leave buffer times for everything I do, and I schedule them on my calendar too. 7. I always use reminders, and alarms for the things I do, so using a apple watch helped me remember things even I leave my phone on my desk.
Yulia Olennikova
The 𝗥𝗼𝗰𝗸𝘀 - 𝗣𝗲𝗯𝗯𝗹𝗲𝘀 - 𝗦𝗮𝗻𝗱 method I work in marketing so this is how I categorize my tasks into three types: Rocks to me are tasks that directly influence our bottom line metrics (=revenue). Pebbles are tasks that influence the leading indicators (awareness, inbound bookings, conversion rates). Sand are small incoming requests or regular tasks that require my short ok to give them a go No matter what, I commit to 2 rocks and around 5 pebbles in a week.
Soner Alemdar
Traditional notebook note taking 😅
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@soner_ traditional methods never go out of date :D
1. Task list by priority. 2. Pomodoro but not by time, by task. 3. White noise music
Darya Antonyuk
strict deadlines))) sometimes I just can't make myself do stuff unless I know there are some boundaries I shouldn't cross, works miracles
Yavuz Tunc Emran
@darya_antonyuk That's a great point! strict deadlines can indeed provide a sense of urgency and help maintain focus.
Sam D.
Launching soon!
morning fasting, coffee but never after noon and no calls during the morning!
Arsen Batyuchok 🇺🇦
Power nap! I wish I was able to practice it more frequently 😅
Andrey Bozhjev
1. Planning 2. Prioritization 3. Sincerely rejoice in completed cases 4. Be less distracted by social media 5. Wake up and get up before 9 am
Sara jalildokhti
my online to do list and also ginger shot at the middle of the day !