What's your favourite website?

Matteo Zumpano
27 replies


Zoya Shah
Choosing a favorite website often depends on personal interests and preferences. From informative platforms like Wikipedia to entertainment hubs like, Branded water bottles YouTube, the internet offers a diverse array of options. For some, social media sites like Instagram or Twitter serve as favorites for staying connected. Others may favor e-commerce platforms such as Amazon for convenience. Ultimately, the best website is one that meets your needs and provides valuable content or services tailored to your interests.
https://gsap.com/ - a site I recently came across and loved for its awesome animations
Matteo Zumpano
@senthil99nathan Do you know who built this? I would like them to create some templates for our template library.
I love the design language! My fav website is https://klu.so/ because it is a one AI Search bar for all of my cloud apps. And it saves me time, since I don't have to search across all of my apps when I need a specific data or information.
Ankur Sharma
wiseAdvizor.com where I can connect 1:1 with startup mentors to discuss my challenges and seek guidance from them.
Taiba Bosnic
Right now it's probably the Daily Mail 😂 Love the design of yours! Ours is https://machined.ai
Hossein Yazdi
For me it's WebCurate.co It provides a collection of 1600+ useful tools & resources in one place.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
Website that allows me to turn travel Plans into Memories https://ttravel.me/en/landing
Mine is scade.pro ❤️
Lucas Bransbury
Nice one 🏆 I'll join in, mine is https://www.weeblok.com - One single platform to create, market and manage your online business.
Gurkaran Singh
As a tech enthusiast, I love exploring different websites but always on the lookout for hidden gems in the vast ocean of the internet. The link you shared seems intriguing, can't wait to check it out and see if it becomes my new favorite digital rabbit hole to dive into!
deco.cx Btw, we are launching on April 2nd
Svenn-Helge Vatne
https://factsplat.com/ right after Product Hunt 🤭