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  • What's your favorite day of the week and why?

    19 replies


    Jason Cavness
    Everyday that ends with the lettery y is my favorite day of the week.
    Audrey Rampon
    Friday! It's the day when I reflect on all the cool things I've accomplished, and when I plan my goals for the following week, it's also our weekly team catch-up at KosmoTime. And I get excited about my weekend plans coming up! :)
    Prateek Mathur
    Monday!! Start the week strong
    Rashmi Gupta
    Sunday. peaceful!
    Tobias Gray
    Thursday is my favourite day for being productive. That's so I can feel ok about being less productive on my real favourite day Friday.
    Alexa Vovchenko
    Friday. It's like a psychological border between my weekly work and the weekend one :)
    Mayank Gupta
    Saturday. All friday fatigue gone. Next day is sunday. I sleep I cook I dance I sing. Best day of the week.
    Jing Hu
    Thursday! Because it is mini Friday!!
    Friday! Because the weekend is coming. And, Saturday, because it's the most peaceful day of the week.