What's your favorite day of the week and why?

19 replies


Tobias Gray
Thursday is my favourite day for being productive. That's so I can feel ok about being less productive on my real favourite day Friday.
Jason Cavness
Everyday that ends with the lettery y is my favorite day of the week.
Rashmi Gupta
Sunday. peaceful!
Alexa Vovchenko
Friday. It's like a psychological border between my weekly work and the weekend one :)
Jing Hu
Thursday! Because it is mini Friday!!
Audrey Rampon
Friday! It's the day when I reflect on all the cool things I've accomplished, and when I plan my goals for the following week, it's also our weekly team catch-up at KosmoTime. And I get excited about my weekend plans coming up! :)
Friday! Because the weekend is coming. And, Saturday, because it's the most peaceful day of the week.
Prateek Mathur
Monday!! Start the week strong
Mayank Gupta
Saturday. All friday fatigue gone. Next day is sunday. I sleep I cook I dance I sing. Best day of the week.