What's your current marketing 'routine'? Sharing mine!
Mohammad Abdin
1 reply
Here's my marketing todo!
- reach out to 30-40 people on LinkedIn and follow up with others (daily)
- reach out to 5 influencers (10-50k followers) also on LinkedIn or Email (daily)
- Inbound Email Marketing - usually a product update (weekly)
- 1-2 hours on forums + communities (Indiehackers, reddit, and starting today...PH π) (daily)
Nico Spijker@nicolaas_spijker
Quite similar on some activities
I do a similar amount on forums, besides that I write content (blogs) and repurpose them into videos, socials, and other channels.
Then some website improvements, influencer outreach/chatting (mainly X but also LinkedIn) a weekly newsletter and a little bit of analytics.