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  • What's your career pivot if (when?!) AI takes your job?

    Cristina Bunea
    21 replies
    Bringing this fun question I saw on Twitter today here.


    Michael Silber
    Electrician. Robots don't want to go into those weird crawlspaces and get electrocuted.
    Jamie Sprowl
    Definitely doing home improvement projects on other people’s houses πŸ› οΈ
    Neil Kanakia
    @jamie_sprowl Great idea. I a building Afterquote, a tool that can help people setup their home restoration businesses
    John Grange
    Master Ramen Chef somewhere in the mountains of Japan πŸœπŸ‚
    Bharat Chhabra
    Mastering violin and playing live in restaurants.
    Aaron O'Leary
    Back to cooking for me!
    Mirena Vasileva
    Making digital courses or starting a furniture business!
    James Johnson
    Unfortunatelly we won't exist when the AI will be able to take our job. The technology evolution is crazy slow. 15 years ago I thought Google Translator will take the jobs related to the languages. 15 years later i'm seeing that Google Translator isn't able to translate all words in a text. DeepL could much better pronounce the translated words then Google Translator. Which careers will take Open AI? SEO? I think Google will take care about the automatic generated text and will boost the manual written content. Programming? Until now I've seen only examples with lists. I guess these guys which have asked Chat GPT to write a list, later have asked how to write correctly in their resume: Senior Full Developer. For complex questions, Chat GPT is useless. Marketing? πŸ˜‚
    wassim ben jdida
    I think i'll become a chef, idk i like watching Master chef lol
    My ideal career is a crypto billionaire and corgi instagram influencer
    I'm actually hoping the opposite, to pivot into doing something with the AI tools that come out and the opportunities that will arise, I think it could be some time before AI fully takes over, in the meantime, things will be won by the people that can use it as a tool and that is the space I hope to step into, i have no idea how it looks yet, but I hope to get there.
    Kyler Phillips
    A doctor or paramedic, maybe soon enough AI will be able to do that though 😨
    Brandon McQueen
    Ski instructor, at least until they prefect the physical robots. ⛷️