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  • What's your career pivot if (when?!) AI takes your job?

    Cristina Bunea
    21 replies
    Bringing this fun question I saw on Twitter today here.


    I'm actually hoping the opposite, to pivot into doing something with the AI tools that come out and the opportunities that will arise, I think it could be some time before AI fully takes over, in the meantime, things will be won by the people that can use it as a tool and that is the space I hope to step into, i have no idea how it looks yet, but I hope to get there.
    Jamie Sprowl
    Definitely doing home improvement projects on other people’s houses πŸ› οΈ
    Neil Kanakia
    @jamie_sprowl Great idea. I a building Afterquote, a tool that can help people setup their home restoration businesses
    John Grange
    Master Ramen Chef somewhere in the mountains of Japan πŸœπŸ‚
    Bharat Chhabra
    Mastering violin and playing live in restaurants.
    Aaron O'Leary
    Back to cooking for me!
    Mirena Vasileva
    Making digital courses or starting a furniture business!
    James Johnson
    Unfortunatelly we won't exist when the AI will be able to take our job. The technology evolution is crazy slow. 15 years ago I thought Google Translator will take the jobs related to the languages. 15 years later i'm seeing that Google Translator isn't able to translate all words in a text. DeepL could much better pronounce the translated words then Google Translator. Which careers will take Open AI? SEO? I think Google will take care about the automatic generated text and will boost the manual written content. Programming? Until now I've seen only examples with lists. I guess these guys which have asked Chat GPT to write a list, later have asked how to write correctly in their resume: Senior Full Developer. For complex questions, Chat GPT is useless. Marketing? πŸ˜‚
    wassim ben jdida
    I think i'll become a chef, idk i like watching Master chef lol
    My ideal career is a crypto billionaire and corgi instagram influencer
    Kyler Phillips
    A doctor or paramedic, maybe soon enough AI will be able to do that though 😨
    Michael Silber
    Electrician. Robots don't want to go into those weird crawlspaces and get electrocuted.
    Brandon McQueen
    Ski instructor, at least until they prefect the physical robots. ⛷️