what's your biggest problem as SaaS founders?

Ahmed Yassin
14 replies
finding users, customer support, managing team, finding investors, making people click on your ads?


Ahmed Yassin
@serhii_uspenskyi do you mean getting leads to visit the landing page or get leads like emails? if emails i may be able to help you for free You could email me at ahmedyassin31458@gmail.com
Ahmed Yassin
@serhii_uspenskyi do u got a marketing strategy like funnels pr value ladders, etc?
Ahmed Yassin
@serhii_uspenskyi that's a marketing strategy G, u gotta work on improving it to get more leads to your funnels
@ahmed_yassin2 if you identify sales and marketing - ok. It doesn't matter how to call it, that matter is solving an issue. Anyway, thanks for your support.
Shabnam Katoch
Sales Have launched today, wouldn really appreciate your support
Ahmed Yassin
@shabnam_katoch you can email me at ahmedyassin31458@gmail.com i can help you get some leads also
Daniel Zaitzow
Not there yet but I presume it will be awareness and high switching costs (not $ but time + learning) for the end users.