What's your best productivity tip or time-saver?

Priyanka Saini
12 replies


Roland Marlow
Time blocking and setting a schedule ahead of time. Makes sure you have everything planned out and gives you time to do it.
Jose Rodríguez
I use pomodoro technique, It's awesome. Also I create a list of top Productivity Hacks here: https://productivity.directory/n...
@stan8086 I remember not being able to focus during high school, especially during exam season. I tried a lot of methods but the only one that landed was the Pomodoro technique. This helped me build discipline and focus to work for longer durations in a stretch without getting distracted.
Try Pomodoro Technique.
Business Marketing with Nika
Taking notes what and when need to be done (Reminders app in Mac) – I set final date for task so it makes me to work on it.
Hossein Yazdi
Setting goals for each task - for example, 10 comments on X and 1 post daily. I plan my day this way and find it really time saving and motivational.
Priyanka Saini
@hosseinyazdi very helpful to know!! I'm also trying to post 1 post daily. but yeah 10 comments..need to work on it.
Keith Mc
Taking notes to review later
Gurkaran Singh
Trying to stay productive? Embrace the Pomodoro Technique like your favorite pasta – set a timer, work like a kitchen maestro, then take a pasta break! It's all about finding that al dente balance in your workflow.