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  • What's your best productivity hack?

    Ivan Ralic
    31 replies
    I'm looking into creating the Entrepreneur Productivity Stack for optimizing our daily routines. Give me your best hacks! πŸ˜„ Here's mine πŸ‘‡ If I had a good night of sleep I always prioritize deep-work sessions - 4+ hours of uninterrupted work 🀘 If for any reason I have a bad night of sleep then I go to my Pomodoro Mode - 20 mins of work 10 mins of rest πŸ… This way my daily routine is dynamic based on the way I feel that day so I can have the most out of the energy I have, and remove feeling bad because I can't concentrate after bad night of sleep 😴 Give me some of yours, let's help each other win πŸš€


    Ashley from Shadow
    AI meeting assistants!! Can’t stress this enough for remote teams and companies that have external meetings that need following up with.
    Ivan Ralic
    @ashley_from_shadow this is on top of my to-do list for quite some time honestly, I really need to prioritize it and start using them πŸ˜„ Do you have a concrete tool you would recommend? πŸ˜„
    Shreya Gupta
    I have started putting myself into monotonous boring tasks really early in the morning | start of the day and then rest .. after rest do deep work and rest in cycles
    Ivan Ralic
    @shreya_gupta02 Do you ever have a need for quick-wins rather then "eating the biggest frog first"? I find it pretty hard to do that when I'm not feeling well, so I prioritize a few of quick-wins to get me going for an hour or so, and then when I get to that deep work I start working on BIG FROGS 🐸 πŸ˜„
    Shreya Gupta
    @ralic tried didnt work for me in long term, i would have done it the wrong way may be ..
    Ivan Ralic
    @shreya_gupta02 thanks for sharing! πŸ˜„
    Kyle Ivins
    A few of mine: 1. Remember that slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Don't overbook or overcommit myself in my schedule, especially on days I need to do something complex or difficult. Easier to do things once correctly, than have to re-do rushed work later. 2. Take care of myself first. By waking up early and getting my mind right, the rest of my day is much more productive. Any day that someone rolls out of bed and goes straight to work, I think, will have a morning with much more wasted time. 3. Reduce clutter on your phone. Limit what apps can give notifications. Use focus settings.
    Ivan Ralic
    @karlll totally agree with 1 & 3. 1 is especially overlooked, we're all natural workaholics, but you really need a clear mind to actually move the niddle forward πŸ˜„ When it comes to (2) as long as it is something mindful then yeah, 100%. But taking time for yourself in a form of "I'll drink coffee and scroll social" can really set your day into that "dopamine chasing" mentality which then breaks (1) and (3) easily πŸ˜• @karlll I'm interested, what's your morning routine for (2)?
    Cara (Borenstein) Marin
    Starting the day with a brain-dump. Then picking the top 1-2 things that if I make progress on today, I'll feel accomplished at the end of the day.
    Ivan Ralic
    @stash_new Yes, Yes and Yes! Recently I've talked to an Entrepreneur, he's pretty successful, raised a couple of millions for his startup and they are almost a 7-figure business already. What he told me was in a direction that every night he needs to forgive himself for everything he couldn't accomplish that day, which is pretty defeating mindset. After we talked I'm pretty sure I helped him change that mindset to what you said, choose a good win for that day, and after you accomplish that you've moved a niddle forward. After that everything else is a plus. Never-ending to-dos is something we all have, so just a mindset of choosing what is important and then doing everything else is super useful! πŸ˜„
    Marvin MΓ€ndle
    Work with a timer. 90 minutes work followed by 15 minutes break. I drink a coffee, sit on the terrace with no phone. After the short break you can jump into the next 90 minutes.
    Ivan Ralic
    @marvin_maendle hell yeah! How you do your breaks is extremely important. If you do your breaks in a low-dopamine environment than your body can only hope to get some hits from your work. Which is an awesome life hack! Work becomes very awarding, almost addictive πŸ˜…
    Marvin MΓ€ndle
    @ralic yes our smartphone is probably the productivity number one.
    Ivan Ralic
    @marvin_maendle yeah, it seems like the most common thing among all suggestions πŸ˜„
    Thanks for sharing your tips! I like using calendar. Add there not just meetings, but also plan time slots for tasks. This helps me to balance on different type of activities and get things done. And ideally have one day per week without any meetings, so can focus on complex or time consuming tasks
    Ivan Ralic
    @oxana_ivanova this is something I've tried so many times but wasn't able to do, so kudos to you! πŸ˜„ The biggest problem was synchronisation with other tools. Devs use GitHub, business uses Notion, Investors & Partners are on Email etc. What helped me with this was Sunsama it syncs everything and I now have one command centre and finally a fully booked calendar without too much of the hustle πŸ˜„
    @ralic yeah, I know what you mean 😁 and thanks for sharing your tips, didnt know about Sunsuma, they looks promising πŸ‘
    Using timers for sure! Also, walking within the day and conducting different kind of tasks
    Ivan Ralic
    @marianna_nk yeah, even a little bit of movement during the day can have huge impact on productivity πŸ˜„
    Elle Gzirishvili
    when I'm in deep work mode I like to listen to video game music, It's specifically designed to keep the players attention. or music that makes me feel like I'm solving the biggest problem of the century. also prioritizing and carefully planning my tasks helps me get into work clear headed. It can be really chaotic if you don't now how, where or in which order to start working and that can lead to overwhelming procrastination.
    Ivan Ralic
    @elle_g I've tried it and it does work, it's a little bit refreshing from my plain old "alpha waves work music" πŸ˜‚ Thanks for sharing! πŸ˜„
    Ivan Ralic
    @elle_g WOW! I'll need to try the hack with video game music πŸ˜„ It makes so much sense, thanks! 🀩
    Elle Gzirishvili
    @ralic it really helps and there are a lot of options for preference :)
    Gurkaran Singh
    Hey there, Gurkaran Singh here! Love the idea of an Entrepreneur Productivity Stack. Your deep-work and Pomodoro Mode strategies are solid! Here's one from my playbook: Whenever I feel stuck, I switch up my work environment - sometimes a change of scenery does wonders for productivity. Let's keep the productivity party going and share more hacks to help each other thrive! 🌟 #ProductivityHacks #EntrepreneurLife
    Ivan Ralic
    @thestarkster Thanks for sharing mate! I also do this, and I see other team members do this as well, moving from the office to chill area with their laptops and back, it works πŸ˜„
    Krzysztof Czubak
    Routine! I plan my tasks every eveining in my calendar (pen and paper style). I have a routine of always getting up at the in the morning at the same time. Eat brakefast, make coffee and get to it. Since I already thougth about my tasks the previous evening my mind is already conditioned to take care of them and ready to go.
    Ivan Ralic
    @kc_krzysztof awesome! Previously I'v struggled a little bit with evening planning because in most cases I would wake up, and then remember a few things, so then restructure everything. After some time I've just moved planning to be the first thing in the morning after my daily journal πŸ˜„ But the mindset is the same, you should definitely choose in advance what you want to achieve and then just start hustling. Thanks for sharing!!! πŸ˜„
    My productivity hack is to delete Instagram and put my phone away when I work
    Ivan Ralic
    @arina_kayea yes definitely, social media is probably the number one productivity killer ever πŸ˜„
    Ivan Ralic
    @joseph_ahlo often underrated hack πŸ˜‚