What's the most unexpected challenge you've faced with remote work?

Esranur Kaygin
2 replies
I never foresaw the 'time zone tango' πŸŒπŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί Operating globally means my workday might start with a morning meeting in Tokyo and conclude with late-night discussions in California. These long hours made me feel drained. to combat this, I started scheduling 'no-meeting blocks' πŸš«πŸ“…throughout my week to give myself time to recharge and dive into deep work. πŸ’‘πŸ“š


Almarie Stander
For me it is mostly the lack of human contact. I am an extrovert and somehow I just don't get the same energy from online communications and communities.
Esranur Kaygin
Many upvotes no comments? I gues nobody is running into any challenges :D