What Newsletters Do You Subscribe To?

3 replies
I would like to ask everyone which newsletters you usually subscribe to. I am currently reading "The AI Break" and "There is an AI for that," and I am curious to know what other interesting newsletters are out there. Your recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


Hey @brandon_cccc , I don't know if you're only looking for AI newsletters, probably to keep up with the trends, but the only newsletter I am currently subscribed to is CNBC Warren Buffet Watch
Lakshmanan Raman
Daily Passage Marketing examples AI Journal I used to have 10+ subscriptions but couldn't find time to make use of all of them.
Liam Patrick O'Connor
I subscribe to Stratechery, Benedict Evans, and Exponential View for insightful takes on tech and innovation. The Information also has great in-depth reporting, though it's pricier. For lighter reads, I enjoy Morning Brew and The Hustle. Curious what hidden gem newsletters others have found!