What marketing channels have been most effective for you in promoting your product?

Sajin S
11 replies
Product hunt has been an amazing channel to showcase our product but apart from that what other channels have you used to promote your product. Feel free to share your product link in the comments as well, would love to check them out.


Man Luu
It depends on what features and products I'm promoting. I used to work for a SaaS company that sells SEO software. Facebook groups and YouTube are highly effective. But now that I'm working for an HR/recruitment-based software company, I find LinkedIn a bit easier to navigate, in my opinion :)
Sajin S
@jennaliu245 Thanks for the insight. I agree that each industry or product category has specific channels that work well for effectively marketing the product.
Arthur Leclercq
LinkedIn ads is great to bring website visits, cold mailing better to engage people and get meetings with prospects
Sajin S
@arthur_leclercq Thanks Arthur for your inputs, haven't tried LinkedIn Ads yet but agree with you on cold mailing but there are limitations there too.
Rowe Morehouse
Paid search.
Mitchell Marshall
It all depends on your target market.
Launching soon!
Contentify.ai platform can help you automate content creation and distribution across various marketing channels, saving you time and effort while ensuring consistent brand messaging and engagement. Problem: Struggling to create and publish content across multiple marketing channels effectively. Contentify can help by utilizing AI agents to automate the creation and distribution of content on social media, blogs, and websites, tailored to your brand identity and marketing goals.
Gurkaran Singh
Oh, navigating the marketing jungle! Product Hunt is like the flashy peacock, but don't underestimate the power of the wise owl that is social media ads - they've been hooting our product to success! πŸš€ How about you? Any secret marketing weapons up your sleeve?