What long-term impact do you hope to have with your product/service?

Tyler Opraseuth
12 replies
I'll go first: Bringing people together through the love of movies/tv


Clayton Walker
To help our users build their social media presence and provide the tools to implement a solid strategy regardless of SMM experience. The result is far less time spent running socials and a workflow to guide the user into creating a more thoughtful, consistent feed which in my experience managing social media for my own clients is a surefire way to expand your reach.
Clayton Walker
@tyleropraseuth thank you! We are excited to launch it to the world later this week. Excited to see how it can help others
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
Helping entrepreneurs find their early adopters and understand their target audience's needs through communication :) Hope to launch Unearth in June!
Long term impact is to make companies understand that "experience" is the most important KPI for their customers. And then I want them to act on this understanding. I'm doing this with my solutions company Openthrive and my upcoming product cxful + other things planned for the future.
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
Helping people who are helping others. I think there are some people who don't chose their job, it's a vocation! (kind of like us, entrepreneurs) and I think that helping them do their job better/easier is where I want to make an impact
Launching soon!
Our goal is to spark a sense of curiosity and wonder in our users, igniting their passion for storytelling and creativity. By providing a platform for people to explore new narratives and perspectives, we hope to inspire meaningful dialogue and connections that transcend boundaries and cultivate a deeper sense of empathy and understanding. We are building a marketing AI called Contentify AI. It's free and easy to setup. Check out the "Launching soon"