Our launch was a big ole flop...

Tyler Opraseuth
13 replies
We launched on PH last week and it was a less than stellar turnout. But we learned a lot though. That's the life of a startup founder, adapt and overcome! If you have had a similar experience, commiserate with us in the comments. We shall rise from the ashes together :)


Tyler Opraseuth
This shall not be the end of ScreenClub. Just another point of data for us to learn from and grow. ScreenClub is a social movie/tv app, think facebook but for movie ratings. Connecting the world through sharing the love of movies is our goal and we won't stop until we have accomplished that goal. Keep moving forward founders! Don't give up
Liam Oram
if you learned a lot I'd call it a success!
Joséphine Roux
What kind of feedback did you receive from the PH launch, Tyler? Perhaps there are some areas where ScreenClub can be refined to better resonate with the audience.
Léo Fournier
Hey Tyler, flops happen, but it's all about how you bounce back! The fact that you're here looking for support shows great resilience. ScreenClub sounds like a cool idea, and I believe in the power of movies to connect people. Keep iterating and learning
Anthony Wright
Launching can be unpredictable, but it's all part of the journey. We're grateful for the experience and are using it as motivation to innovate and improve. We're committed to turning this setback into a success story
Victoire Mathieu
While our launch didn't meet our expectations, it's taught us valuable lessons. We're already working on adjustments based on the feedback we received to ensure our next move is stronger and more successful.
Ulysse Renaud
Our launch didn't go as planned, but it's not the end of our journey! We've gathered invaluable feedback, and now we're doubling down on refining our strategy and product. Stay tuned for our comeback