What is your WYSIWYG approach?

Oguz Gelal
0 replies
I've worked with so many editors over the years, yet every time I start a new project that needs rich text editing, I find myself having to go through extensive research to choose the right one for the job. Before building out our editor here at Flowla, we went through a quick research and I was surprised to see that there are many options now. Some of our considerations was: - Draft.js, Slate.js - It is impressive what you can do with them, they are quite low level, great for building very complex and unique rich text editing experiences. It was an overkill for our use case. - Quill - Great for simpler use cases, but we thought it might not scale up when we need complex custom and unique features. - CKEditor - Amazing, extraordinary editor, but requires committing and building on top of a paid product, which we weren't so sure about. We ended up using Tiptap. It is free and open source, built on top of a great & battle-tested library (ProseMirror), great extension system, comes with many out-of-the-box extensions, and is the perfect balance of being simple enough to use for simple use cases, and is extendible that we can build whatever we want on top of it (and we did, too). All in all, great experience. What is your approach?
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