What is the most important thing that you should consider when trying to go for organic traffic?
Tai Nguyen
9 replies
Organic traffic is one of the most compulsory categories to any SaaS service provider, not only because it brings a free & huge amount of traffic that can be conversed into potential users but also because of its sustainable nature. (Usually will be from 3-6 month worth of traffic, even longer if your blogs pay close intention to your users searching intent)
So the very first and foremost easiest way to do is to identify your seeding keywords. Most of the time, these seeding keywords will very likely be in relation to the kind of service you are providing.
E.g: Video Editor would choose keyword & topic like: Video Editing - How to edit videos using *Brand name* app?
After identifying your seeding keywords, you will need to do the supplemental keywords research to write more articles and enhance your *Expertise* to Search Engine (SERPs for short)
So overall, identifying your seeding keywords and also understanding the underlying intent behind the keywords that you are trying to aim for are by far the most important factor to my experience.
How about you? What do you think?
We just published an SEO Ebook for Keyword Research, feel free to steal it away: https://bit.ly/3VB3A3j

Andrew Howe@andrewhowe

Great, in-depth details. Thanks for sharing.
@andrew_howe1 My pleasure!
Proper KW research and its utilization is the key.
@matthewtooth Sure is my friend. Yet as important as this is, it can be easily overlooked as people didn't pay proper intention to the researching phase which didn't lead to desirable result which leads to undermining in SEO practices.
Thanks for sharing! For me, most important seems to be leveraging leaving comments like
@richard_gao2 Sure, any factor related to real-user behavior would be very much ideal to SERPS. Especially with the new E-E-A-T.
focusing on niche topic to start with and then go broad
@micheal_b I believe that you are talking about seeding keyword right? Yeah, I strongly believe that identifying your main niche should be the first primary thing to do to not waste too much time on researching.
Do you have any recommendation for the searching method?
@tai_nguyen_wz yes meant the same of focusing on the niche, majorly to start with is google keyword planner and google search results