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  • What does mean "Success" for you? What is your definition?

    Something that can tell me more about your priorities. The thought I once heard from one guy is pretty accurate for me. The success for me means that I get up in the morning, I go to bed in the evening and in the meantime, I do what I like.


    Yvik Ye
    Success=lots of money. 😂
    Yes, part of success is doing what you love, but definitely not all of it. You should be able to support yourself as well as your family's living expenses while doing what you love, and that's rare. That's what I'm working towards.😄
    Luka Brzin
    I think the answer to "What is success for you?" is always in kind of a fluid state. Humans like to think, we like to daydream, we like to count our troubles. Day in and day out. The thinking never stops. Coming off this I think success has a different "meaning" almost every day. One day you think success is owning a nice car, the next day is having a lovely family. And that's okey. As we evolve so do our desires. For me, success curently means working on something I'm passionate about, being healthy and having great family and friends :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @luka_brzin you summarised it well. The state of success as well as happiness is never the same. Things you said are the same for me rn :)
    Emily Willis
    For me, success is being able to live a healthy and happy life, not only for myself but also for my immediate family, extended family, and friends. So eat well, exercise, sleep well, etc. But outside of well-being, success for me is contributing something that improves the world we live in in some way.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @emily_willis1 I think that many of us would like to contribute to a better society. Thanks for sharing :)
    "Success" for me is not just about reaching a specific milestone or earning recognition, but rather about making a positive impact, experiencing personal growth, and finding satisfaction in what I do. Success is also about balance — achieving goals while maintaining well-being and nurturing meaningful relationships. Ultimately, it's about striving to be the best version of myself and contributing positively to the world around me.
    For me, success is growing my company, SaaS Marketing Gurus, into a billion-dollar enterprise.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @hamza_afzal_butt How long have you been working on it? :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @hamza_afzal_butt How much % is your goal fulfilled now? (That goal leading to success)
    Steffi Nicolaïdes
    I share your idea of success, and I would add "and I will never have to worry about my ability to pay for my health or anything that can cost a lot."
    André J
    And when you find what you really like doing, you go to bed in the morning and getup at night. 😂
    André J
    @busmark_w_nika Yes, because what you where doing was so exciting, so you couldn't sleep until the morning 🌅
    André J
    @busmark_w_nika yes, exactly, you lose time and space when your excited about something. you understand me so well!
    Ashutosh Prakash Singh
    "Success" per say has a different definition for everyone, very fluid indeed. For someone, social service is their biggest contribution, hence, success. For some, earning wealth is a successful metric. For me, creating something that has an impact beyond its basic role defines success! Interesting to hear all thoughts!
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @ashutosh_prakash_singh1 what difference do you want to make in a world? :)
    Haiqa Irfan
    Success for me is when my to-do list doesn’t become my tomorrow list.
    Ivany Wardhana
    When i can afford myself and people i love.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @ivanywardhana can you explain what you mean by that? :)
    Muhammad Hassan
    Success to me means waking up excited about the day ahead, going to bed fulfilled, and spending the time in between doing what I love. Your definition really resonates with me!
    Having the freedom to do anything I want, whenever I want to, howsoever I want to :)
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    F*ck you money — enough $ for me to say “F*ck it” to do anything ever, but still have enough to support my family.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @kostyabolsh it is a freedom, freedom of choice without regretting and without caring money and materials things.
    Being motivated, accomplishing my goals and making the positive difference in the world
    My3 Murthy
    The guy was right, THAT is my definition of success. I want to work on things that make my day worthwhile. Most of us now do things because we need money to support our living. I want to get to a point where I work because I want to- not because I have to.
    Mark Lemuel M
    success for me is total freedom for everything. do whatever , whenever you want. Everything requires money so yeah you need to hypothetically be smart in money and learn those 3 types of income. It does not buy love but IT DOES buy happiness.. seeing your mom and dad in great shape, never worrying about getting the most convenient place, funding for emergencies and hospitals or food is Happiness. something poor people cannot understand at some point. Robert Kiyosaki said that "every one here, there's poor person inside us" that is something that justifies everything. IT starts with the MIND.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    @kilopolki which book it was? I mean with the Kiyosaki quote? Poor dad, rich dad?
    Mark Lemuel M
    @busmark_w_nika yes. Also the cashflow quadrant. That is important book as well. It explains the 4 divisions of work (employee, self employed, business owner and investor) which you need to come across all.
    Mark Lemuel M
    @busmark_w_nika they are actually good people who teaches futute entrepreneurs... And yeah he told his students if you're weak and cannot handle the sick stomach truth about entrepreneurship you will fail miserably. Its not for the fainted heart.
    For me, success is not having a lot of money in your bank accounts or a luxury house or a car. The more I grew in my life, the more I realized that success is having the freedom to choose what you want to do. It means having good mental health, finding happiness even in the smallest of things, and having peace in your heart, whatever situation you are in.
    Prudens Moulton
    Success, for me, is waking up every day with a purpose and going to bed knowing I've made progress, however small, towards my goals. It's about finding joy in the journey.
    Gianuario Lupia
    Success is having the freedom to pursue my passions and feeling fulfilled by my daily activities. It's about range my actions with my values and enjoying the process along the way.