What do you think that makes people popular?

I wish I had some guaranteed tips for this, but I don't. πŸ˜ƒ So I'll try my luck here. The only thing I can remember is that you become more popular when you connect people and introduce them to each other. Any other insights?


You become popular when you help people
Business Marketing with Nika
@life2film So this answer is like "aha" moment. But you have to be very careful with your help. Some people can be "calculating". :-)
Girish Gilda
Having contrarian beliefs
Business Marketing with Nika
@girish_gilda why do you think so? Because when you have a very controversial opinion, yeah, you will probably get noticed but you can pick up more haters than people that admire you.
Girish Gilda
@busmark_w_nika Yes I agree. Having contrarian opinions may attract haters. But those who resonates will become your loyal followers. This is not an option if you want to become likable but it will surely make you popular.
Nitin Joshi
Their attitude, personality, style of Presenting thats what i think. Which I don't have πŸ˜ƒ
Sahinur Akther
Having Money in simple words.
Business Marketing with Nika
@sahinurme Why do you thin? Because some people made it without money. eg Mary Teresa.
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@nitin_joshi She was well-known for her volunteering activities but mainly in Europe. She was something like a saint and was given the Nobel Price.
James Miller
Besides that, being genuinely interested in others, being approachable, and having a positive attitude can go a long way.
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@james_miller26 I am sharing also this same mind: "genuinely interested in others" – a point I resonate with. People like it when you are interested in them.
popular people have some similarities, they all took risks, and they all know how to make money even when they aren't working
Business Marketing with Nika
@zignis Can you share some examples of popular people whom you look up to?
Victor Detraz
Success, Ability to inspire, taking risks publicly, being driven and ambitious
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@vicecaz I would say it is a kind of charisma, isn't it?
Roza Zakaryan
Digitization, and right content creation, don't you agree?
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@roza_zakaryan1 can you give an example, how can people accomplish popularity via that?
Marvin MΓ€ndle
Respecting every person and their opinions. Also success makes people popular.
Giving to the community
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@samy_rahim I try every day. Does it make me popular? πŸ˜…
Business Marketing with Nika
@samy_rahim That is the exception. I have never been popular like this. At least at school – NEVER! πŸ˜…
Arsenii Dergachev
Doing extraordinary things. Sometimes just good marketing. Or both
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@ars_nii Do you have any "extraordinary" things on your mind? Like any examples? πŸ˜ƒ
Paolo Go
For me is to Inspire trust and help others
Meghan Henry
Friendliness Kindness Approachability Confidence Sociability
Konrad S.
I think it's important to get popular for the right reasons. For example, you may get popular if you just make noise and say crazy things, but then you won't be respected by the people you probably want to be resected by. If instead, for example, you do excellent work, create useful innovative products, or speak out for people who are wronged, you'll get popular with the right people.
Nicolas Gohler
On a personal level, how interested & insightful they are to other peoples' lives. On a business level, how much value they provide.
Funny, logical, informative, and respectful talk.
Sun Flower
it's probably a mix of charm, charisma, and a knack for accidentally tripping in public and turning it into a viral meme. You know, the usual!
George Aleesu
Do something that appeal to the masses! You'll definitely be a favorite
Viola Schoell
Personality, respect, authenticity, and honesty are definitely key factors in making people popular.
Hey Nika, i agre with you. Connecting people and introducing them to each other definitely seems like a key factor in becoming more popular.