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  • What do you think makes a brand memorable?

    Hibba Shahid
    24 replies
    Branding plays a key role in shaping customer perceptions and driving business success. Building a brand that truly stands out involves more than just a catchy logo or a trendy slogan. It's about creating a lasting impression that resonates with your audience. Drop your thoughts and let's discuss!


    Business Marketing with Nika
    Many aspects, but bet on visuals, frequency of showing up and unique ways of communication (creativity plays a huge role) :)
    Anas Riad
    @busmark_w_nika Creativity comes in many ways but it's definitely something every business should tap into. I feel like building a strong personal brand for the founders is such a huge boost for the business itself.
    Alex AI
    Brand Values and Authenticity A memorable brand consistently reflects the company's beliefs, cause, and purpose. All brand touchpoints reflect this in messaging, copy, and tone. Symbolizing brand values with images and language helps make them memorable. This should be the goal of your brand. Be memorable to your audience.
    The brand voice is important because that kind of stands you apart. See Duolingo's marketing strategy!
    Hibba Shahid
    @vaibhavdwivedi Absolutely! Duolingo's marketing strategy is a great example of this. Their playful, relatable, and sometimes cheeky tone makes their content memorable.
    Anas Riad
    Strong opinions. Differentiate themselves from others. And most importantly, a strong personal brand for the founders.
    Providing a great customer experience on every touchpoint, whether it's on your website, platform, emails, or any other -- makes your brand memorable. This includes, what are you making them feel, what are they thinking, is it each for them or difficult, are they able to do what they want to do, and the look and feel of that touchpoint. It's an in-depth thing, but this briefly covers it.
    Aaron Hays
    I will say that something that is easy to use and intuitive can really play a big part.
    Hibba Shahid
    @aaron_hays I completely agree! When something is easy to use, it reduces friction and frustration, allowing users to fully participate and benefit from what the product offers.
    Alex Bravo
    when a brand feels relatable has a cool, easy-to-remember style, it sticks with you. Good design and a personal touch make a big difference.
    Annie Engelhardth
    We believe a brand stands out when it builds a strong emotional connection with its customers. It's more than a logo or slogan; it's about creating a meaningful experience that people remember and trust.
    Hibba Shahid
    @annie_engelhardth That's true! When there is trust, the customers don't have to think twice about your brand.
    the brands that resonate most with me fall into one of two buckets: - relatable - aspirational (this doesn't necessarily mean luxury)
    Muhammad Hassan
    A memorable brand has a unique story and a consistent look and connects emotionally with its audience. When it genuinely resonates with people’s needs and values and provides a great experience, it sticks with them. Consistent messaging helps keep it at the top of my mind.
    Samantha Den
    Exceptional customer service can make a brand memorable by creating positive experiences that customers share with others.
    Steve Troy
    Behaving with the customer in a Nice way is memorable for customers and they come again.
    Zackary Mendez
    A memorable brand often has a clear and consistent message that repeat with its target audience, creating strong emotional connections.
    Yunusa Abdullahi
    Effective storytelling and authentic communication help build a brand's identity, making it easier for customers to remember and relate to.
    Ekaterina Adamovich
    Understanding your target audience and speaking their language, standing out in a way that matters to them. Also, it takes a while to build awareness to household name level. Until then, people need to be reminded. A popular mistake is assuming your target customer knows you already, I often see emails from "[person's name] from [brand name]" and have no idea who they are or what they do. What are the chances someone on your mailing list would open that email? 🤔
    sera aulia
    A memorable brand is often characterized by several key elements: 1. Strong Identity: This includes a distinctive logo, cohesive color scheme, and unique typography that make the brand instantly recognizable. 2. Consistent Messaging: A clear and consistent message that communicates the brand's values, mission, and vision helps establish a reliable image in consumers' minds. 3. Emotional Connection: Brands that evoke emotions, whether through storytelling, customer experiences, or social responsibility, create a deeper, more lasting impact. 4. Quality Products/Services: Consistently delivering high-quality products or services ensures customer satisfaction and fosters loyalty. 5. Customer Experience: Positive interactions at every touchpoint, from customer service to the purchasing process, can significantly enhance brand recall. 6. Authenticity: Being genuine and transparent helps build trust and credibility with the audience. 7. Innovation: Brands that innovate and adapt to changing market trends stay relevant and top-of-mind. 8. Engagement: Active engagement with customers through social media, events, and other channels helps maintain visibility and relevance. These elements work together to create a cohesive and memorable brand that resonates with consumers and stands the test of time.