What did you always want to learn but have never found the time for?

Jason Andries
275 replies
We all dream of learning a certain skill that we somehow never really find the time to learn. I would love to be able to produce music, but I never really found the time to do so and figure it all out. What's yours?


Yang Bai
traditional culture. I get to learn it from now on
Jason Andries
@yang_bai1 Sounds nice! Where are you from?
Yang Bai
@jason_andries1 Yeah. Many of us are so busy at work not to care for them. i come from China-confucian hometown
Jason Andries
@monika_myzenteam Nice, I'm actually learning how to do that right now!
Monika Staponkute
@jason_andries1 have you found any helpful tutorials? I've only found either super basic ones that explain how the buttons on the controller work or the advanced ones where they are doing a great job but I don't understand what's happening haha
Jason Andries
@monika_myzenteam I've been lucky enough that some friends of mine are advanced and helped me out in the beginning because the tutorials are indeed either very basic or quite complicated. I've heard good things about 'We Are Crossfader' but they're on the pricey side of all the courses I've come across. What type of music would you like to mix?
Monika Staponkute
@jason_andries1 super lucky indeed! i need new friends :D i'm into house and techno mainly. you?
Mike Kennedy
@monika_myzenteam I started learning during the pandemic, but it has sense fallen to the wayside. I would highly recommend just watching a lot of videos by Dj Carlo on YouTube. This will let you get an idea of how lots of transitions and techniques work and how they can be used together. You don't really need a tutorial on each of these, just an solid awareness of what's possible and the ability to hear a cool transition or effect and make a knowledgable guess as to how you'd pull it off yourself.
Adham Dannaway
JavaScript. I know a little bit, but never really learned it properly. I guess I won’t need to with no-code website builders like Webflow and Framer.
Jason Andries
@adhamdannaway I honestly don't know much about coding but I think it will always be a valuable skill though
@adhamdannaway Same here. JavaScript has been on my back burner for several years. I know a bit but cannot fully utilize it the way I would like to.
CΠ»aΠ²eΠ½ Π‚Π΅Ρ€Π²ΠΈΠ΄Π°
@adhamdannaway if u want saas application then you do, check out freecodecamp and https://roadmap.sh/javascript
Business Marketing with Nika
Foreign languages like Spanish, French, Italish.
Jason Andries
@busmark_w_nika Learning a new language is one of the most valuable skills you can have in my opinion! I think learning one of them will make it easier to get the hang of the other ones as well because they're all Latin languages. I learnt French first and this made learning Spanish a lot easier for me. I even understand some Italian now, but can't speak it.
Business Marketing with Nika
@jason_andries1 Yeah. And some languages are similar so it is easier to learn them.
Sandra Idjoski
@busmark_w_nika Same! I've been learning Spanish off and on for years but have never managed to become as fluent as I am in English
Jason Andries
@busmark_w_nika @sandra_idjoski I'm lucky enough to have some Latinx friends that enable me to practice with them and keep my Spanish up to date. I'm obviously not as fluent as I am in English either, but small things like this really help to keep improving
Jason Andries
@rosette_ting1 I love graphic design! Is there any particular part you'd like to specialize in?
Leo J Barnett
Palmistry & Hammock Weaving
Jason Andries
@leojbarnett Very interesting choice, I would love to get my palms read!
Tahjia Chapman
Music. I have listened and studied different genres for years, but spoken word beats them all. Spoken word is music without a catchy chorus or ridiculous beat. It's just you, your listeners, and a smooth moment of synergy. And after you get your first head nod or shout --- it's addicting!
Jason Andries
@bry_chap I love music so much! Do you mean spoken word as in a capella or more poetry like?
Tahjia Chapman
@jason_andries1 capella and poetry. Today's music seems a bit off in terms of creating stories. It's killing brain cells in our future generations lol
Jason Andries
@bry_chap I think there are still some great story tellers among today's musicians to be honest.
Jason Andries
@johnathan_kimbrough That's a valuable skill that I wish I had the time/courage to learn.
Shon Paunan
I always wanted to go back to school but I had to work. So when the time comes and I have the leisure of that extra time, I will surely take criminology or forensic psychology.
Jason Andries
@sharon_paunan Interesting choice, that's definitely a whole different thing than community management! What kind of job would you like to pursue with that kind of education afterwards?
Shon Paunan
@jason_andries1 I have always been a people person so community management and leadership is close to my heart. As I am also a person who has a very curious mind, I would like to know more about solving a crime. I think we need more of those specialists here in the Philippines, and it would really be so cool to be one. But yeah, still a dream and I am not getting any younger. But who knows? :)
Jason Andries
@sharon_paunan Always stay curious, it's an amazing gift. I've been told you're never too old to learn something new. ;) Good luck!
Gleb Slonimskiy
It could be better to ask about books)) that you wanted to start "but have never found the time for?"
Jason Andries
@gleb_slonimskiy That could be an interesting discussion as well. I have tons of books that are on my list but haven't had the time to read yet
Gleb Slonimskiy
@jason_andries1 learning almost equal reading books)
Saurabh Wadhawan
Drums, have been always postponing it. maybe 2023 is the year!
Jason Andries
@saurabhwadhawan 2023 is definitely the year, good luck!
Skiing! But that's also partially because I spent most of my life in Singapore and India...
Jason Andries
@gaurangt1 I've tried skiing and it's definitely a lot harder than it looks lol. Do you have indoor ski slopes over there to give it a first try? It's not the same as the mountains but it's a start πŸ˜„
Hemant Warier
There is one thing that I have always wanted to learn but have never found the time for: riding a motorcycle. Growing up, I was always fascinated by the freedom and adventure that seemed to come with being able to hop on a motorcycle and hit the open road. I remember watching motorcycle enthusiasts ride by, the wind in their hair and the sun on their faces, and feeling a sense of longing and envy. As I got older, I kept telling myself that I would eventually learn how to ride a motorcycle, but somehow, life always seemed to get in the way. Between work, family commitments, and other responsibilities, there was always something more pressing that needed my attention. But even though I never found the time to pursue my dream of learning to ride a motorcycle, it is still something that I think about from time to time. Maybe one day, when I have a little more free time on my hands, I will finally take the plunge and learn how to ride. Until then, I'll have to content myself with the memories of what could have been.
Jason Andries
@hemantwarier Definitely try to find the time if it's a childhood dream, it's going to feel amazing riding for the first time! If you could pick any motorcycle, which one would it be?
Hemant Warier
@jason_andries1 If I had the opportunity to pick any motorcycle, I would definitely choose a cruiser bike. Cruiser bikes are known for their relaxed riding position, comfortable seats, and classic styling. They are perfect for taking long, leisurely rides and soaking in the scenery. Some of my favorite cruiser bikes include the Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail, the Indian Chief, and the Yamaha V-Star. All of these bikes offer a smooth and comfortable ride, and they have a timeless, iconic look that never goes out of style.
Terry Xu
History of Philosophy. Probably will study it after I retire.
Ania Varakine
@coolnalu I started to take Philosophy classes this year and it was the most enjoyable investment of my time.
Jason Andries
@coolnalu Great choice! I also believe they go hand in hand quite well.
Joan Mateo Duarte πŸš€
Playing piano, probably some day. I first need to buy one.
Robert Blixt
@joanduarte same here.. always high up on the list. Never took the time to learn it πŸ₯Ή yet...
Jason Andries
@joanduarte That's one of the instruments I'd love to be able to play as well!
Definitely photoshop. I've been doing most of my edits on other softwares (mostly apps or online editors) but I would really love to understand PS lol
Jason Andries
@ish_atbp Mastering PS is definitely a valuable skill! It took me some time but YouTube is your best friend when learning any of the Adobe Creative Cloud programs. I've used online editors as well but it's just not the same as PS, it's still my favorite tool to edit pictures. In my opinion, some parts have gotten easier within PS as well because the software has gotten smarter.
@jason_andries1 I guess my challenge now would be giving time to actually learn it lol thanks for this!
Rebecca Tany
I want to learn guitar, also never find the time to practice :-(
Jason Andries
@rebeccatany That's something I've wanted to learn for quite a long time as well and I never find the time to practice either πŸ˜…
Kshitij Gupta
Music! I've had lessons in guitar, ukulele, keyboard, and djembe (drum). But never had time to be consistent or practice.
Jason Andries
@kshitij_product Wow that's quite a lot of different instruments! Do you still master the basics or did you lose it over time by not practicing?
Kshitij Gupta
@jason_andries1 I practice ukulele & djembe sometimes, but I doubt I'd do it justice
Ankit Sharma
WordPress pro πŸ˜’
Jason Andries
@ankitsharmaofficial YouTube is your best friend for this!
Ankit Sharma
@jason_andries1 yeh correct but time is the concern πŸ˜€