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  • What could you build with Prisma Data Proxy?

    Everett Berry
    2 replies
    There were a ton of exciting announcements at Prisma's Serverless conference today but this really stood out to me, https://www.notion.so/Prisma-Roadmap-50766227b779464ab98899accb98295f?p=f39babae647646c3a5ac37e74b1ba29d You can use any database, including traditional ones, as Prisma backends and they'll take care of the connection pooling issue that exists for serverless apps.


    Migu Rico
    The link is invalid. Better choose https://infatica.io/mobile-proxies/ . This service offers in my opinion the best value for money on the market.
    Mike Young
    Hmm pretty interesting writeup there. The latency tradeoff between persistent and ephemeral connections is definitely not something I've ever considered...