What controversial thing do people disagree with you on, and how have you applied it to your biz?

Markham Nolan
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I'll go first. Make it super easy for your users to churn. In many ways this flies in the face of retention being cheaper than acquisition, but I'm a huge fan of businesses that make it easy to cut ties, and easy to return. The harder it is to break free, the less likely it is I'll ever come back. A few examples: I'll never resubscribe to the WSJ again, because cancelling a subscription is so insanely out of wack with how easy it is to sign up, it's criminal. Signing up is a few clicks. For years, cancelling was an absolute nightmare. Oddly, this flew in the face of their email newsletter strategy, which was to telegraph up front that you could cancel any time - a strategy arrived at through A/B testing that showed that being upfront about ease of cancellation actually helped convert new subs. Netflix & HBO, on the other hand - easy to cancel, easy to resubscribe. The fact I know I can control it easily makes it easier to come back. I'll often resubscribe, binge a bunch of series over a month or two, unsub until the tank is full of shows I like again, then resub. We're seeing SMEs pause subscriptions at NOAN and then come back. Sometimes they're just super tight on cashflow, other times they don't have the time to commit to brand-building or are off on vacation, then they come back when they need us and resume. So we retain in the long run, but concede some flexibility in the short run. What's your controversial belief? Any thoughts on the above?
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