What books are a must-read for any entrepreneur? šŸ“ššŸ“‘

Ivan Ralic
19 replies
Let me begin šŸ˜„ šŸ•µļø Defining the need (product) Mom Test - Rob Fitzpatrick šŸ“ˆ Building a Business The E-Myth - Michael E. Gerber šŸ“£ Marketing the Product Magnetic Marketing - Dan Kennedy šŸ’ø Growing Sales Predictable Revenue - Aaron Ross and Marylou Tyler


Thanks for sharing these Ivan, I have added them to my read list. I would recommend Lean Customer Development: Building Products Your Customers Will Buy - By Cindy Alvarez
@ralic Haha I really recommend it, you will go through it in no time. Interesting! Will check the product out šŸ˜„
Ivan Ralic
@jaka_koprivec great recommendation Jaka! I've never read it before, but I actually already have it on my reading list, so, upping the priority I guess šŸ˜… By the way, Eric Ries, the author of Lean Startup actually launched the product on Product Hunt pretty recently: https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Uma Venugopal
1. Atomic Habits 2. Never Split the difference 3. Grit 4. Courage to be disliked 5. The Founder's Dilemmas
Ivan Ralic
@uma_venugopal 1-3 are AWESOME additions to my list šŸš€ Things from 1. and 2. I use every single day, and the Grit is also a must-read šŸ˜„ Never read the 4. and 5. but I'll probably give them a try. Thanks for the recommendations! šŸ˜Š
Om Wow
The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz Shoe Dog by Phil Knight Made In America by Sam Walton Lean Startup by Eric Ries The Messy Middle by Scott Belsky
Ivan Ralic
@omwow "The Hard Thing About Hard Things" comes so often as a suggestion, don't know how I still haven't read it šŸ˜… Lean Startup is a masterpiece, Eric Ries had a product launch recently. Go and say hi! šŸ˜„ https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Ivan Ralic
@michael_cash1 awesome book I've heard šŸ˜„
I would say The Lean Startup, Zero to One, and HOOKED (by Nir Eyal) changed my mind, but it's more like it FREED my mind. As someone coming from a software developer background it's really hard not to get caught up in the little details all the time
Ivan Ralic
@manjur_ahmed1 yeah exactly, Zero to One especially gives you that visionary mindset to really build something big šŸ˜„ I really need to read Hooked it was recommended by so many people already šŸ˜„
Rishabh R
$100M offer from Alex Hormozi
Ivan Ralic
@rishabhravindran awesome, never read it but Alex is great so I might give it a try šŸ˜„ What were your key "AHA"s from that book? šŸ˜„
Rishabh R
@ralic his value equation that is explained in a simple and practical manner
Kwaku Amprako
4 hour work week 12 months to $1M How to win friends and influence people
Ivan Ralic
@kwaku_amprako yeah #1 and #3 are awesome books. I use things from #3 almost every single day šŸ˜„ Never read 12 months to $1M, but putting it on the list šŸ˜„
Jamie Kim
My favorite book is Lean StartUp - Eric Ries
Ivan Ralic
@jamie_kim awesome book! šŸ˜„ Eric had a PH launch recently, you can check it out šŸ˜„