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  • What are the minor use cases?

    Chetan Natesh
    8 replies
    The two major reasons people use social media is to connect with people in different locations and stay upto date with the news. Do you know of any other use cases for individual users ( NOT for brands)?


    Krishna Kumar
    Find jobs? You could say it is a specific subset of connect with people, but still...
    Chetan Natesh
    @kkumarkg True true, but on LinkedIn you can see more trustworthy resume credentials, which is not always present on Twitter, this is how LinkedIn premium is actually running.
    Chetan Natesh
    @kkumarkg Yes , but I think it is hard to beat Linked at this.
    Krishna Kumar
    @chetan_natesh you should see jobs being broadcast on twitter.
    Satish Kumar Veluri
    If we happen to be in a right group, the takeaway for me is the learning drive. Each individual can't experience all the use cases, there is a great possibility to learn from other's experience and also helps in acquiring new acquaintances who can be very useful as we go forward.
    Chetan Natesh
    @satish_kumar_veluri Networking potential is high on a good social platform, true. Good point Satish.
    Sahil A Mittal
    It is also used to validate their life/ lifestyle infront of their peers which results in prompting a dopamine release or a feel good factor for oneself
    Chetan Natesh
    This is actually causing a lot of mental health issues, 2 reasons, Comparing with others whose picture maybe doctored along with the fact that someone's highlight reel is being compared with your entire life, you never know what the rest of their life looks like. Comparing with your past self, if a pic got 100 likes yesterday and only 30 likes today then huge headaches start!