What AI tools you are using as a founder?

Bayazid Malikov
12 replies


Arzu Safarova
Lumen5 for social media content creation
Bayazid Malikov
@arzu_safarova I have used Lumen5 too. Very useful for fast content creation especially with the paid version which has way higher video quality.
André J
Launching soon!
For copy: Namelix, grammarly, chatgpt 3.5, For code: "GitHub copilot chat" and "phind". I wish there was an ai tool that worked with AirTable tho. That would unleash so much power. Think: Populate airtable with investor list. Query the database with advance searches. Which investor works with early stage and focus on b2c and invests in the nordics.
Bayazid Malikov
@sentry_co There are certainly huge lists which you can mine for information manually but I haven't seen such a tool. Could be very useful indeed.
tbh i'm more interested in fine tune models. Have a plan to create some for specific needs. ( :
Bayazid Malikov
@istiakahmad best thing to do in this age. Fundraising could be a place to focus on. @sentry_co your idea to build a tool with AirTable could be a hit. A lot of us struggle precisely with that.
André J
Launching soon!
@istiakahmad @bayazid_malikov No one is working on this. It's so strange. Ive seen 1000s of chatbots launched on producthunt this year, they all work with pdfs and websites etc. Not a single one thought about connecting with airtable. The official database on the internet. it's a blue ocean.
Lol I’m non technical and an old soul. So just chat GPT for copywriting and questioning. How about you Bayazid?
Prem Saini
Launching soon!
Zixflow right now
Parth Kunjir
Hey everyone! Just wanted to share a tool that's been a total game-changer for me as a founder – Notion! It's my go-to for running the whole startup show. 😄 And guess what? I've cooked up a handy template called FounderBoss that's been a real time and money saver for me. We're getting ready to drop it on Product Hunt soon! Ever thought about running your startup on Notion? Check it out at https://notionboss.com/ and let me know what you think!
Yavuz Tunc Emran
Quillbot is a good AI tool