What according to you makes a designer great?

Divyansh Pandey
4 replies
Is it great UI skills or is it problem-solving or anything else??


Igor Lysenko
Hello! I think what makes a designer special is creativity. If we are talking about sought-after designers, then there must be other qualities. But the main aspect is creativity to the approach.
Honestly, to be able to stick to the brief and experiment within the brand parameters to deliver the best results. Creativity and Ideas make a better designer than plain skill. Just my opinion :-)
Benjamin Boman
I think it comes down to taste. I'm sure most designers would agree, but you can't really get to a great design by giving people constant iterative feedback. Or even worse, getting feedback from multiple people. The best designers have a strong vision in mind and know what they're doing, because they have better taste and judgement than everybody else.