Voice messages or text messages?

Hjalte Niehorster
9 replies
I strongly hate voice message. The interfere in concentration etc… am I the only one? WhatsApp should have a feature that the receiver doesn’t allow a voice message. What are your thoughts?


Sadath N
Text message
Nadia Zueva
Launching soon!
I feel good when my mom or sister sends me a voice or video message. But when I receive a voice message from a colleague without asking for permission, that's what I can't understand
Peter Hansen
I cannot stand voice messages; you must hear each of them in their totality. At least with text messages, you can skim the text. Also, voice messages have "no filter" people repeat and repeat themselves. Writing a text message is more tedious, and people think about what they write.
Suman Choudhary
Voice messages have a personal touch, idk how to explain, but I love them!!
Hjalte Niehorster
@sumanchoudhary never felt disturbed or annoyed by it? They tend to be lengthy