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  • Understanding your users through surveys

    Cristina Bunea
    9 replies
    Everyone tells you to talk to your users and deeply understand them. From every product podcast to the PMF framework Superhuman built. Yet, the status quo for asking users questions in-product is so, so bad. I can't remember the last time I filled out a survey. I'm organizing a Masterclass on how to build effective ones by breaking down examples from products like Airbnb and Notion. Would love to see some of the PH community on there. We'll be answering questions at the end and doing a walkthrough of how you can set up a survey. https://events.zoom.us/ev/AmFkKaZp7MBMO1YpJzd_wfhePId8X6Oaoq_DmGlOdgg8l5qtc6K8~AqJKneQfsLJpNRC1DBmW_e-FH4r83-b48uPLbpD34w8yKBZA2NDFBM3nIA


    Lucas Howard
    Pumped for this :)
    Great! Count me in
    Sophia Williams
    Cristina, your Masterclass on crafting effective user surveys sounds incredibly insightful, especially with the hands-on breakdown from top-tier products. I'm looking forward to joining and learning how to better engage with my users!
    Mihajlo Kovacevic
    we did one for memes 🐸 useful tool
    Violetta Chernobuk
    Hi Christina, I'd love to join but unfortunately not available at this time. We constantly iterate on the survey we have in Planyway, but mainly use it for the onboarding purposes, to show the right view. And also this data is used for the sales purposes. For a deeper analysis, we tend to organize real-time meetings with users, so that we can understand the use cases and check hypotheses we get after analyzing usage data through Amplitude.
    Pablo Roig
    Count with me, but the problems I usually have with surveys, is that are always biased. How do you avoid it? Or at least, minimise
    Alex AI
    Great idea! Congrats Cristina for sharing here!
    Marvin Mändle
    Understanding the customers is so important! Thanks for the invitation !!