Tips for identifying your target audience

185 replies
Do you have any tips for better identifying and targeting our desired audience and tailoring our marketing strategy to them before the launch?


Visualize as your dream customer. Market surveys
@swadin Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@swadin 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
haojun cai
Same question here
@haojun_cai Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
zuhaib ashfaq
Hi @hussam_gpt and @haojun_cai Check out my comment. I have put out a short roadmap which might help you to get a high-level overview. I would be happy to help you along you way. Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn
@haojun_cai @zuhaib_ashfaq 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
@haojun_cai @zuhaib_ashfaq 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Fabian Maume
Do you already have some users that you can analyse? If yes upload them in attio CRM it will enrich the data and give you an overview of industry in your user base. If you don't have users yet: - Look at competitor review on G2 and Capterra, some mention the job title and company size - Look at similar web to see where your competitors are getting traffic.
Shivangi Awasthi
Survey and interviews.
@shivangiawasthi Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@shivangiawasthi 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Nico Spijker
1:1 outreach and conversations with people you *think* could be in the desired audience.
@nicolaas_spijker Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@nicolaas_spijker 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Prem Saini
One of the things that I too tend to do is using A/B testing to see what messaging and creatives resonate most with your target audience.
@prem_saini1 Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@prem_saini1 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Sergiy Ovcharenko
In my case conducting CustDev interviews was a great move at the beginning. We held over 30 interviews targeting people with different backgrounds. So it helped us to identify the basis for our ICP.
@sergiy_ovcharenko Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@sergiy_ovcharenko 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
@umair_zubair1 Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@umair_zubair1 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Felya Bilgen
understand the unique value your product brings & look at who your competitors are targeting.
@felicitias Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@felicitias 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Jules Essen
Consider spreading the word about your beta product on a popular promo site. We did this on "theresanaiforthat," a site that features various AI stuff. Those who joined our email list are likely genuinely interested. After that, you can learn more about them by asking a few friendly questions in a survey.
@julesfyt Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@julesfyt 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Yogesh Joshi
The best approach is to examine your customer data and segment the users, decision-makers, and influencers within those accounts. Subsequently, formulate your marketing strategy to address the specific pains and gains of each group.
@yogesh_joshi9 Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@yogesh_joshi9 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Jos Bish
I also wanna answer of this question
@jos_bish Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@jos_bish 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
David F
Actually talk to them; confirm hypothesis that your target market(s) have the pain that you propose to resolve, and/or see the value that you're offering.
@thedfigroup Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@thedfigroup 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Daniyal Ashraf
You have to answer a couple of questions. What's the problem that you're solving? Who's most likely to have this problem? What platforms give you access to a big number of these people? Once you've identified the right platforms, you have to create marketing that works best on the platform. Good luck!
@daniyalashraf Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@daniyalashraf 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Tyrone Robb
Launching soon!
If you are referring to only on here with the current user base then perhaps general discussions like this one, drop a nugget or two and hopefully it's the start of something great. If it's a first launch then you should already know, who you talked to, to validate your idea and help build your MVP. If this is the case build some loose personas around this, reach out to many more like them on LinkedIn or through small FB testing for example, and then refine your personas as you get more data. If you didn't validate, then you are going to need to consider whose problem you want to solve, and how does it solve it, i.e identify a potential value proposition for a few target groups and then work on each to figure out who is the most profitable for today. For your product. I would fix some of the feedback, you have an interesting David in the testimonials. I would also work on getting the text that is grouped to be the same length. Don't blow initial traction through lorem ipsum-type mistakes.
@interseed_ty Thank you for the valuable guidance! I appreciate the advice on engaging with the target audience and the importance of enhancing product interaction. I'll work on implementing these suggestions to improve the service and ensure a positive user experience. Thanks again for the help
@interseed_ty Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@interseed_ty 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Daniel Zaitzow
If you're looking for some insight into this and the whole ideation process we're going to be running a challenge on Jan 8th that covers a ton of these things. Check it out if you're interested.
@dzaitzow Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@dzaitzow 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Jamayal Tanweer
The first question you should ask is: What problem are you solving? The next question should be: Who will benefit the most from it? I believe that if you have these aspects sorted out, you're already in a good place. Of course, talk to those people and see if they resonate well with the solution you're providing.
@jamayal Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@jamayal 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Ilyes Ouhadj
I got some tips for you guys : 1- Market Research: - Understand your ideal customer: ask yourself this question "Who do I want to buy my product?" and create buyer personas to identify their demographics, needs, pain points, and buying behaviors. - Segment your audience: here you need to tailor your messaging and marketing strategies to cater to different user roles and company sizes. 2. Refine Your Product: - Gather user feedback: Beta testing and early access programs provide valuable insights for identifying your target audience before launch. - Prioritize features: Focus on developing and perfecting features that address the most critical needs of your target audience (crucial).
@zedkira Thank you for the valuable advice! I'll work on understanding my ideal customers and analyzing their needs based on the buyer personas I've created. I'll also focus on gathering user feedback to improve the product and ensure that the features I develop meet the needs of the target audience. Thanks again for the valuable guidance
@zedkira Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@zedkira 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Dive into analytics for insights, run surveys, stalk your competitors (in a non-creepy way), and create a buyer persona that's practically your product's BFF. Understand their pain points and desires, then tailor your strategy like a bespoke suit. The audience is your canvas
@istiakahmad Thank you for the guidance! I'll start using analytics to gain valuable insights and work on conducting surveys to better understand customer requirements. I'll keep a positive eye on competitors and focus on creating a buyer persona to identify strengths, weaknesses, and achieve my strategy goals accurately. Thanks for reminding me about the importance of the audience in the product's success
@istiakahmad Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@istiakahmad 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower
Asim Javed
I was looking for something similar, thank you for posting. Hoping to find a useful guide from founder's experience.
@sam_circler Of course, my friend! I hope we can benefit from the experiences and expertise of our friends.
@sam_circler Thank you for support. We look forward to your feedback, evaluation, and comments
@sam_circler 🌟 Big News: Jaeves 2.0 (Beta) launched earlier than expected! We're turning this surprise into a success with your help. Please support us with your upvotes and feedback to make this unexpected launch a triumph. Every upvote counts and brings us closer to making Jaeves better for you! Visit our launch at and show your support! 🚀 #EarlySupport #CommunityPower