TikTok - make your business go viral?

6 replies
Hello! 😎 Quick question: do you use TikTok to promote your business? If yes, do you consider TikTok as a game-changer in your social media marketing? If no, do you plan to post content there?


Definitely a good way to up your game!
Oscar Wehbe
We produced a TikTok video built for virality and put money behind daily PPC ads to gain reach and engagement. We had very positive results and are about to launch a second campaign. I certainly see it as a game-changer in the short-medium term but PPC ads are an unpredictable game so I'm strategizing a shift away from it.
Rich Watson
TikTok is good for business or startups. Now publishing the content needed to build enagement is a different topic.
Gurpinder Singh
Yes! TikTok is an amazing platform to promote your business. Create more videos where you talk about the transformation that people can achieve using your product/service.
Matteo Aliotta
Sure it Is. Look at this case study (a startup i personally support as Growth consultant) A low-code saas grown by 180k worldwide users, mostly by organic TikTok (!) https://www.indiehackers.com/pos...
Maali Baali
I don't think it's fair to say that TikTok is a game-changer in social media marketing. It's a platform, and as platforms go, it's pretty tame.