Thoughts on free trial + no credit card?

3 replies
Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of this because there's no intent for the user to actually purchase but what do you think?


Trey Winterbourne
Hmm I see what you mean. I've not yet came into a scenario where I've needed to think about pricing (soon!), but I agree with you where users may not intend to continue after the trial. But at the same time, you've shown them trust, and you've shown them a (limited) product. It's up to them if they think it's worth paying for. I'm not too experienced so maybe there's more psychology behind the pricing models, but I think no cc + free trial will still work. I'm giving this a follow though, I'd like to hear others thoughts of this. Thanks for the post :)
@treyww yeah absolutely you're developing trust w the customer. And they are still paying with their time i suppose. Great points! Lmk when/if u do try out this for your biz
Offering a free trial without requiring a credit card is an attractive proposition for users. It lowers the barrier to entry, allowing people to experience a service without financial commitment. This approach can increase user trust, leading to higher conversion rates. Companies that embrace this model, like those using skylightpaycard, can gain a competitive edge by showing confidence in their product's value. Ultimately, this strategy benefits both the customer and the business, fostering a transparent and hassle-free relationship.