The platform Threads is in Europe. What do you think? Will it replace the X?


Mansi Trivedi
Don't know. It didn't survive the indian market
Olena Bomko
I don't have energy for a new platform. But I have an account :)
Business Marketing with Nika
@ollenabomko @ollenab @olenabomko I think that many people will come back to X and "old" social media. The first time it was that way as well. πŸ˜…
Do not know anyone who use it πŸ™†πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
Business Marketing with Nika
@annitahzl I use it only for a few minutes for the Slovak/Czech community. I do not know if it will be sustainable for me to be there.
Dzmitry Tsemirau
It's the first time I've heard about it. What are its features?
I don't Think threads will ever surpass X. The communities on each platform are different and threads just seems like an extension of Instagram- It basically forces you to log in with your IG account. I personally prefer X and I feel like these companies should stop trying to copy each other so much. Instead, they should focus on the things that their users need from them- like better support teams.
Business Marketing with Nika
@bearsthy Yeah, support would be appreciated. Predominantly on Facebook. πŸ˜‚ I have been blocked since 2019 with my ad account. LOL.
@busmark_w_nika lmaooo I get that. It actually happens a lot. Happened to some of my previous clients too
Jen Anderson
Personally , I’m waiting to see which Twitter alternative everyone else settles on. Which I suspect too many people are doing to make any platform viable. My prediction is that Elon will get distracted and sell Twitter at a massive loss and all the replacements will fall into disuse
Business Marketing with Nika
@jen_from_accomplist Yeah, people tried Mastodon, BlueSky, and RN Threads... but somehow many returned to Twitter (X).
Jen Anderson
@elena_malneva He didn't want to buy it in the first place. He only bought it because he was shooting off his mouth and ended up making an offer that he couldn't back out of for a variety of reasons. Selling it at a loss would get him a massive tax deduction. It's partly wishful thinking on my part. If he steps back, Twitter is still understaffed and Nazi-friendly. If he sells it, then the new owners could change that.
Business Marketing with Nika
@elena_malneva @jen_from_accomplist I would welcome the old Twitter with Jack Dorsey. That X platform seems like a big experiment of Elon's weird ideas.
Tyler Scott
I signed up when it first launched in the US. In my opinion it didn't offer any value over what X/Twitter delivers so I quit using it after a day or two.
Business Marketing with Nika
@scottlabsai Yeah, actually that is true, cause after 3 days after the launch there was a decrease. I think it will not be different in this situation.
Threads seems better at connecting you outside of a specific interest. Most social networks get you in an echo chamber quickly. There seems to be more variety in terms of connections and recommendations on Threads.
Konrad S.
Not soon in any case.
I used threads for a while and it was the new kid on the block. It’s now collecting dust in my apps folder. It may be big in Europe for a while but it will fade. I don’t think anything will replace X just yet.
Business Marketing with Nika
@slimmy82 Personally, in our country, X (Twitter) was not successful. Even before Musk acquired it, we hadn't used it in Slovakia... but other countries? Maybe. Many of them followed international news, but Musk made it harder for journalists and media to post on X... so yeah... Threads could be an alternative.
Too many social media platforms by one conglomerate, Personally I think Meta is in overreach mode. They may have some cool Vision gear/Mixed Reality stuff coming soon to compete with Apple but I think Meta may have reached their Myspace moment of zenith, I see them slowly losing ground to newer platforms probably launched by AI or ML based companies or go users going back to X and start repopulating reddit and other forums too.
Business Marketing with Nika
@reconcatlord Sometimes it feels like Meta (or Zuck) is distracted by many businesses at once. AI glasses, their token (coin), Web 3.0, Threads... I would be completely satisfied with good customer FB support. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚
Business Marketing with Nika
@reconcatlord Which update in WA do you mean? There were many updates actually. :-D
@busmark_w_nika after using it a while, I would get frustrated with glitchy issues, especially with message delivery, but the last couple times (I haven't been on in a month πŸ™€), it seemed much better. I shouldn't complain, I'm using the Beta version anyhow 😬🀣
Prem Saini
I don't think it can survive because it did not perform in the Indian market and eventually everybody went back to X
Barry Zheng
The integration of Threads in Europe is indeed a topic worth discussing. As Elena Malneva mentioned, the saturation of social networks is a real concern. Users often seek value and uniqueness in new platforms, something that sets them apart from existing ones like 'X'. Threads' success might hinge on its ability to offer distinctive features or a unique user experience. It’s also crucial for any social platform to respect user privacy and not to overload its users with redundant features. Do you think Threads could offer something different to the European market compared to 'X'?
Business Marketing with Nika
@barryzheng568 I think that each new social media is less and less interesting and doesn't have something new to offer. We are seeking new technologies. How long has there been social media? I would say almost 20 years. (since 2004, certainly) We are bored fo this concept of creating social media... there are only a few big names in the pond.