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  • The Importance of Tutorials and Usage Guides

    Antonio Di Pinto
    0 replies
    I start from the idea that to understand that the true power of any tool you need to show to the customer what you can do with it. That’s why for feedrika.com, I started offering comprehensive tutorials and usage guides. Here’s why this is crucial: 1. Smooth Onboarding: Detailed tutorials help new users understand how to integrate and use the API effectively, ensuring a smooth start without any frustration. 2. Unlocking Full Potential: Guides showcase the diverse functionalities of the API, enabling users to fully exploit its capabilities, from fetching news to analyzing sentiment data. 3. Problem Solving: Tutorials provide solutions to common challenges, helping users troubleshoot and optimize their implementation for the best performance. I don't have enough data to say if this strategy will bring me users, but for sure will help the SEO and the common spread of the brand. This it the first article, already added to a publisher on Medium. https://blog.stackademic.com/how-to-build-a-news-aggregation-website-with-next-js-and-tailwind-fd6242494127?source=friends_link&sk=125a5f1f70f8ff2d4dd8b8f8e2dd810e
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